
1962—2014年宁夏黄土高原鼠疫自然疫源地调查分析 被引量:5

Analysis on the investigation of plague natural foci in the Loess Plateau of Ningxia from 1962 to 2014
摘要 目的收集1962—2014年宁夏黄土高原鼠疫调查数据,为该地区自然疫源性疾病的防控提供科学指导。方法收集黄土高原鼠疫相关调查数据和资料,建立1962—2014年宁夏黄土高原鼠疫调查数据库。结果52年间,共抽样调查21 930 hm2样方,捕获黄鼠18 385只,平均密度为0. 84只/hm2,在0. 20~2. 20只/hm2之间波动。夜行鼠调查布放鼠夹267 877夹次,捕获小型鼠7 886只,年平均捕获率为2. 94%,在2. 35%~7. 21%之间波动,年间波动较大。梳检黄鼠64 822只,染蚤鼠32 378只,平均染蚤率为49. 95%;获蚤90 147只,蚤指数为1. 39;共分离鼠疫菌151株,其中人(尸体)检出3株、啮齿动物检菌129株,病媒蚤19株; 10个年次发生人间或动物间鼠疫流行。用间接血凝方法共检测动物血清28 679份,其中在19个年次检出阳性血清310份。结论以黄鼠自然检出率为最高,在宁夏境内的月亮山与南华山干草原地带,为动物间鼠疫频发区;近年来动物鼠疫处于静息状态。 Objective To analyze the data of plague in the Loess Plateau of Ningxia from 1962 to 2014,and provide scientific guidance for the prevention and control of natural epidemic diseases in this area.Methods Data of the plague survey on the Loess Plateau from 1962 to 2014 were collected,and the database of plague investigation was established.Results From 1962 to 2012,a total of 21 930 hm2 sampling plots were investigated,and 18 385 Spermophilus alaschanicus were captured with the average density of 0.84 insects per hm2 fluctuating between 0.20-2.20 insects per hm2.A total of 267 877 traps were placed for nocturnal mouse investigation,and 7 886 small rodents were captured,showing 2.94%of capture rate,fluctuating between 2.35%and 7.21%.There were 64 822 ground squirrel checked with combs for collecting fleas.A total of 90 147 fleas were combed out from 32 378 rodents out of 64 822 detected rodents,and the average infection rate of flea was 49.95%,the flea index was 1.39.There were 151 strains of Yersinia pestis isolated,3 strains from human(corpse),129 from rodents and 19 from vector fleas.The incidence of human or animal plague epidemic took place in ten years from 1962 to 2014.A total of 28 679 animal serums were detected by indirect hemagglutination method,310 positive serum samples were detected in 19 years.Conclusion The detection rate of plague from ground squirrels was the highest.The plague among animals occurred frequently in the area of the Moon Mountain and the Nanhua Mountain in Ningxia.In recent years,the animal plague was at rest.
作者 张涛 卢世堂 ZHANG Tao;LU Shi-tang(Ningxia Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Yinchuan 750004,China)
出处 《中华卫生杀虫药械》 CAS 2019年第1期53-56,共4页 Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
基金 高分疾病预防遥感信息服务示范(一期)项目(编号:10-Y30B11-9001-14/16)
关键词 黄土高原鼠疫自然疫源地 数据库 黄鼠 蚤指数 鼠疫菌 the Loess Plateau plague natural foci database Spermophilus alaschanicus flea index Yersinia pestis
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