
农村集体产权制度改革的多重影响研究——来自北京市昌平区的实证调查 被引量:18

Research on the Multiple Influences of Rural Collective Property Right System Reform:An Empirical Survey from Changping District, Beijing
摘要 农村集体产权制度改革是当前农村集体经济领域的重大制度创新,是赋予广大农民更充分的财产权利的客观需要,也是落实党的"十九大""乡村振兴战略"部署的必然要求。本文以昌平区集体产权制度改革实践作为研究对象,回顾了产权制度改革的动因和历程,分析了产权改革对资产收益、乡村治理和权利保障等带来的多重影响。研究得出:一是通过明晰集体资产的产权,变"共同共有"为"按份共有"的产权制度安排,赋予农民股份收益分配权,是集体经济组织适应市场经济发展、重新焕发生机活力的必然选择;二是产权改革通过进一步优化资源配置,提高资产运营效率,能够达到增进资产收益,促进农民财产性收入增长的目标;三是产权改革从根本上改变了集体资产管理和支配的方式,有效地化解了长期存在的矛盾纠纷,村级事务实行民主管理,乡村治理效果得到提高;四是多种形式保障农民土地承包经营权和个人股份分红权的有效实现,注重各类群体的合法利益诉求,进而能够增强群众对改革的满意度。由于改革还处于起步阶段,本文就进一步深化产权制度改革提出了若干政策建议。 The reform of rural collective property right system is a major institutional innovation in the field of rural collective economy, an objective need to endow farmers with more adequate property rights and an inevitable requirement to implement the party’s 19 th "Rural Revitalization Strategy". This paper takes the practice of collective property right system reform in Changping district as the research object, reviews the motivation and process of property right system reform, and analyzes the multiple influences of property right reform on asset income, rural governance and rights protection. It is concluded that: first, by clarifying the property rights of collective assets, the "common ownership" to the "Shared ownership by shares" property rights system arrangement, and giving farmers the right to share income distribution is the inevitable choice for collective economic organizations to adapt to the development of market economy and regain vitality;Second, through further optimizing the allocation of resources and improving the efficiency of asset operation, property right reform can achieve the goal of increasing asset income and promoting the growth of farmers’ property income. Third, the property right reform fundamentally changed the way of collective asset management and domination, effectively resolved long-standing conflicts and disputes, implemented democratic management of village-level affairs, and improved the effect of rural governance. Fourth, various forms should be taken to guarantee the effective realization of farmers’ land contracting and management rights and individual share-sharing rights, and pay attention to the legitimate interests of various groups, so as to enhance the people’s satisfaction with the reform. Since the reform is still in the initial stage, this paper puts forward some policy Suggestions on further deepening the reform of property right system.
作者 方桂堂 FANG Guitang(College of Economics & Management, China Agricultural University)
出处 《中国政法大学学报》 CSSCI 2019年第1期5-19,206,共16页 Journal Of CUPL
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