3Stephen Davies,"End of Art",in David Cooper (ed.).,A Companion to Aesthetics,Malden:Blackwell Publishing Ltd.,1992,pp.138-142.
4Cf.Gregg Horowitz,"Aesthetics of the Avant-Garde",in Jerrold Levinson (ed.),The Oxford Handbook of Aesthetics,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003,p.751.
5A.Danto,The Transfiguration of the Commonplace:A Philosophy of Art,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1981,p.40.
6Cf.David Novitz,"Arthur Danto",in A Companion to Aesthetics,p.105.
9Jacques Taminiaux,Poetics,Speculation,and Judgment:The Shadow of the Work of Art from Kant to Phenomenology,trans.Michael Gendre,Albany:State University of New York Press,1993,pp.55-72.
10Jacques Taminiaux,Poetics,Speculation,and Judgment:The Shadow of the Work of Art from Kant to Phenomenology,Albany:SUNY Press,1993,p.62.