
质性研究的科学哲学基础与若干常见缺陷——中国企业管理案例与质性研究论坛(2018)综述 被引量:30

Philosophical Foundations of Qualitative Research and Common Weaknesses:Highlights of the Forum on Case-Based and Qualitative Research in Business Administration in China(2018)
摘要 本文对本届案例论坛的主题报告精华要点进行总结,重点阐述质性研究的科学哲学基础,包括本体论、认识论、人的本质和方法论等4个维度的基本假设,以及对社会的本质这个维度的假设,进而讨论了不同风格的案例与质性研究所属的不同范式间的差别。这是理解质性研究的本质,以及做出高质量研究的保障。此外,本文对论文发表中的常见缺陷进行了剖析,包括引言模糊乏味、研究动机不明或缺乏说服力、仅宣称研究情境独特却不论证、不同范式的质性研究之间的错配和缺乏对关键概念的定义等缺陷,并逐一给出改善建议。 Based on the keynote speeches for the forum,this paper presents an overview on the philosophy of social science in terms of the four dimension basic assumptions,such as,ontology,epistemology,human nature,and methodology,along with these assumptions about the nature of society.Varying combinations of these assumptions form different paradigms,or the philosophical foundations of qualitative research.Then,this paper discusses differences among qualitative research in different paradigms.These are very important for understanding the nature of qualitative research,and producing high quality work.Furthermore,this overview also highlights common weaknesses in research manuscripts,including a confusing or unappealing introduction,vague or missing research motivation,simply mentioning"an unique context"without articulation,mismatch between different tradition of qualitative research,and lastly failure to provide a definition for key constructs.Advice is also given on how to eradicate these weaknesses.
作者 毛基业 苏芳 Mao Jiye;Su Fang
出处 《管理世界》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期115-120,199,共7页 Journal of Management World
基金 国家自然科学基金青年项目(项目号:71702037)的资助
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