Fun dame ntal un derstandi ng of chemistry confined to nano space remains a challe nge since molecules en capsulated in confined microe nviron merits are difficult to be characterized.Here,we show that CO adsorptio n on Pt(111)8nfined un der mono layer hexago nal boron nitride(h-BN)can be dynamically imaged using near ambient pressure seanning tunneling microscope(NAP-STM)and thanks to tunneling transparency of the top h-BN layer.The observed CO superstructures on Pt(111)in different CO atmospheres allow to derive surface coverages of CO adlayers,which are higher in the 8nfined nano space between h-BN and Pt(111)than those on the ope n Pt surface un der the same conditions.Dynamic NAP-STM imaging data together with theoretical calculations confirm confinement-induced molecule enrichment effect within the 2D nano space,which reveals new chemistry aroused by the confined nano reactor.
the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Nos.21688102,21621063,91545204,and 21703274)
the Ministry of Science and Technology of China(No.2016YFA0200200)
the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDB17020000).