
秦国政运用补肾益肺健脾法论治小儿喘息性支气管炎 被引量:1

Qin Guo-zheng's Experience of Treating Asthmatic Bronchitis in Children by Kidney-Tonifying,Lung-Nourishing and Spleen-Invigorating Therapy
摘要 秦国政教授认为小儿喘息性支气管炎与肾、肺、脾三脏相互协调功能失常密切相关,其发病责之于肾肺脾,以肾肺脾亏虚为本,外感六淫或痰湿阻滞为标,虚实夹杂,标本并存。病位在肾、肺、脾三脏,病因病机为肾失气化、肺失宣肃、脾失健运致痰浊内阻,气机逆乱所致。故秦教授认为应当顺其发病特点,治病求本,兼顾标证,标本同治,以补肾益肺健脾法为总则,通过补肾,促其肾之阴阳平衡、摄纳有权、气化正常,进而蒸腾作用助机体津液布散,常用药物有熟地黄、菟丝子、枸杞子、乌梅、珍珠母等。通过益肺,促其肺之宣肃协调,浊气得出,清气得入,进而呼吸均匀通畅,使得全身气机升降及津液布散功能正常,常用药物有炙黄芪、细辛等。通过健脾,促其脾气健运,胃以和降,一升一降使全身气机调畅,气能生津且能行津,可让机体津液得以布散,常用法半夏、陈皮、茯苓、枳壳、全瓜蒌、炒麦芽、威灵仙、仙鹤草、甘草等药物。 Professor Qin Guo-zheng believes that asthmatic bronchitis in children is closely related to the dysfunction of coordination among kidney,lung and spleen.The pathogenesis of asthmatic bronchitis is due to deficiency of kidney,lung and spleen,with six exogenous pathogens or phlegm-dampness blockade.Deficiency and excess,primary and secondary aspects are mixed with each other.The location of the disease is in kidney,lung and spleen.The etiology and pathogenesis of the disease are kidney degasification,lung qi failure to disperse,phlegm turbidity and internal obstruction caused by spleen dysfunction and disorder of qi.Therefore,Professor Qin believes that we should follow the characteristics of the disease,seek the root of the disease,give consideration to the symptoms,treat the primary and secondary symptoms together,take the kidney-tonifying and lung-nourishing and spleen-invigorating method as the general principle,promote the balance of yin and yang in the kidney,have the right to absorb and gasify normally,and then transpire to help the body fluid disperse.The commonly used medicines are Shudi(Radix Rehmanniae Praeparata),Tusizi(Semen Cuscutae),Gouqizi(Fructus Lycii),Wumei(Fructus Mume),Zhenzhumu(Concha Margaritiferae Usta),etc.Through nourishing the lung,the coordination of the lung’s ascending and descending qi can be promoted,the turbid qi can be driven,the clear qi can be obtained,and then the breath can be even and smooth,so that the whole body’s ascending and descending of qi movement and body fluid dissemination function can restore to normal.The commonly-used medicines are prepared Huangqi(Radix Astragali),Xixin(Radix et Rhizoma Asari).Through invigorating the spleen,spleen qi is powerful,the stomach can harmonize and descend,the whole body’s qi can be smoothed.Qi can generate body fluid and disperse.body fluid.The commonly-used medicines are Fabanxia(Rhizoma Pinelliae Praeparatum),Chenpi(Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae),Fuling(Poria),Zhiqiao(Fructus Aurantii),whole Gualou(Fructus Trichosanthis),fried Maiya(Fructus Hordei Germinatus),Weilingxian(Radix et Rhizoma Clematidis),Xianhecao(Herba Agrimoniae),Gancao(Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae),etc.
作者 王定国 张明强 邢益涛 李杰 蔡阳恺 王立春 秦国政 WANG Ding-guo;ZHANG Ming-qiang;XING Yi-tao;LI Jie;CAI Yang-kai;WANG Li-chun;QIN Guo-zheng(First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan College of TCM,Yunnan Provincial Hospital of TCM,Kunming,Yunnan,China,650021;Hainan Hospital of TCM,Haikou,Hainan,China,570311;Anhui University of TCM,Hefei,Anhui,China,230038)
出处 《河南中医》 2019年第2期188-191,共4页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家中医药"十一五"重点学科中医男科学建设项目[国中医药发(2009)30号]
关键词 小儿喘息性支气管炎 补肾益肺健脾法 秦国政 asthmatic bronchitis in children kidney-tonifying and lung-nourishing and spleen-invigorating therapy Qin Guozheng
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