

From Modernism to Postmodernism: A Case Study of the Criticism on Minimalism
摘要 极简艺术上承现代主义,下启装置艺术、观念艺术、体制批评艺术等当代艺术,在20世纪下半叶的艺术发展中具有枢纽地位。本文通过梳理迈克尔·弗雷德和哈尔·福斯特对于极简艺术的批评,勾勒其在晚期现代主义批评和后现代主义批评中的不同形象:弗雷德鄙视极简主义对物性和剧场性的追求,将其看作艺术的堕落;而福斯特则认为那是对知觉条件的分析,对惯例和艺术体制的反思。本文还特别追溯了弗雷德形式主义的历史渊源及其理想,挑明福斯特这一代人的批评处境,从而以极简主义这个个案,映照出晚期现代主义批评与后现代主义批评两种话语之间的差异。 The nlinimal art forms a connccting;link between the preceding modernism and the following contemporary art such as the installarion, conceptual and inscitution critique art and plays a pivotal role in the art dcvelopmenr in the second half of the twentieth cencury. According to the criticisms of the minimalism made by Michael Fried and Hal Foster, the current author makes a comparison of their di Here nces in criticizi ng late modernism criticism and postmoder nism. Fried despised the minimalisis1 pursuit of objt cihood Mid theatricality and considered it as the decline of art, while Foster believed that minimalism was an;inalysis of the perceptual conditions and a reflection on the conveniions and the artistic system. I he historical origin and ideal of Fred's formalism was also traced back in the paper to show the criticisni situation in Fosters time. Through the case study of minimalism, it s revealed the differences between the late modernism criticism and postmodernism criticism.
作者 张晓剑
出处 《美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第3期128-133,共6页 Art Magazine
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"弗雷德与艺术本真性思想研究"(项目编号:13CZX087)的阶段性成果 部分内容曾发布于中央美术学院主办的"观念之道:2018国际雕塑研讨会"
关键词 极简主义 剧场性 迈克尔·弗雷徳哈尔·福斯特 Minimalism theatricalit)z Michael Fried Hal Foster
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