
儿童颅颌面外科诊疗进展与思考 被引量:2

Progress and considerations in the treatment and diagnosis of pediatric cranioniaxillofacial surgery
摘要 概要回顾近30年儿童颅颌面外科及相关领域的重要进展。着重总结儿童颅缝早闭、儿童面裂畸形、儿童常见上下颌畸形、儿童颅颌面外伤等领域的重要发现和创新性结论,并阐述作者对本领域未来发展方向的判断和思考。 Research progress and clinical achievements of pediatric craniornaxillofacial surgery in recent 30 years were reviewed. It highlighted significant discoveries and innovations in the field of cranioniaxillofacial abnorrnalilies, such as craniusyiiuslosis, facial c left, maxillary and mandibular malformation, and craniornaxillofacial trauma. Additionally, the author elaborated his opinions on the further developments of pediatric craniornaxillofacial surgery.
作者 沈卫民 Shen Weimin(Department of Burn and Plastic Surgery, Children's Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210008, China)
出处 《中华整形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期99-104,共6页 Chinese Journal of Plastic Surgery
关键词 儿童 颅颌面外科 颅缝早闭 诊断 治疗 进展 Pediatric craniornaxillofacial surgery Craniosynostosis Diagnosis Treatment Progress
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