

Theoretical Innovation and Practical Breakthrough in Educational Psychology of Drug Prevention
摘要 李庆安等近期的一项研究表明,仅仅根据当地公安机关提供的相关数据,中国西南某省某个村委会18岁~25岁的男性成瘾者,竟然占该年龄段男性人口的19.72%。李庆安的另一项预研究则表明,9名留学生或访问学者向他亲口承认,他们在海外逗留期间,曾经吸食过大麻。这两组数据透露了一个极其重要的信息:无论是受教育程度不高的进城务工人员,还是已经接受过或即将接受优质教育的"精英群体",都面临极高的吸毒风险。从"知命者不立乎岩墙之下"的命题出发,要有效地控制日趋蔓延的毒品滥用行为,必须有两手:一手是拆除"危墙",即严厉打击制毒与贩毒等犯罪活动;一手是培养"知命者",即加强毒品预防教育,特别是针对儿童青少年的毒品预防教育。李庆安等撰写的《绝对禁区:成瘾者心理访谈与解析》一书,提供了行之有效的毒品预防教育模式。在毒品预防教育心理学和戒毒心理学领域,《绝对禁区》一书具有重大的理论创新与实践突破。 According to a recent study by Li Qingan and colleagues,male addicts aged 18 years-25 years in a village committee in a province in southwest China actually account for 19.72 percent of the male population in that age group,based only on data provided by local public security authorities.Another pilot study by Li showed that nine students studying abroad or visiting scholars admitted to him personally that they had used marijuana during their stay overseas.These two data reveal an extremely important message: both the low-education-level migrant workers and the "elite" groups who have received or are about to receive high-quality education are at high risk of drug abuse.Starting from the proposition that "those who know God's will not stand under the dangerous rock wall",to effectively control the spread of drug abuse,we must take two measures: the first is to dismantle the "dangerous wall",that is,to crack down on crimes such as drug production and drug trafficking.The other one is to foster "awareness",which is to strengthen drug prevention education,especially for children and adolescents.Absolutely Prohibited Zone: A Psychological Interview and Analysis of Addicts written by Li Qingan and others provided an effective drug prevention education model.In the field of psychology of drug prevention education and detoxification psychology,Absolutely Prohibited Zone has great theoretical innovation and practical breakthrough.
作者 林崇德 LIN Chongde(Institute of Developmental Psychology,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《赣南师范大学学报》 2019年第2期114-117,共4页 Journal of Gannan Normal University
关键词 成瘾者 毒品预防 戒毒心理学 D型条件作用假说 《绝对禁区》 addicts drug prevention detoxification psychology D type conditioning hypothesis Absolute Forbidden Zone
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