
贵州鼠害控制项目农民田间学校实施效果与建议 被引量:13

Effectiveness and Suggestions on the Implementation of Guizhou Rodent Pest Control Project in Farmers' Field Schools
摘要 2018年4~10月,在贵州省余庆县、三都县、息烽县、瓮安县、岑巩县、都匀市举办了联合国粮农组织(FAO)贵州鼠害控制减少粮食损失保护农业生态安全项目农民田间学校(FFS)15间,培训农民451人,培训采用FAO推荐的参与式、启发式、互动式、成人非正规教育方式进行,学员能力得到明显提升,测试题总体正确率由培训前的75.40%提高到培训后的93.36%;学员对培训过程充分认可,学员非常满意为96.07%,满意率为3.93%;FFS质量控制指标完成良好。为使鼠害控制FFS得到长足发展,不断提高鼠害防控能力,在今后举办FFS时,培训时间与农事活动需要合理协调,培训课程设置需要不断完善,灭鼠技术培训需要长期坚持,培训经费需要加大支持力度。 We held 15 Farmer Field Schools(FFSs) in Yuqing, Sandu, Xifeng, Weng’an, Cengong and Duyun counties (cities) of Guizhou Province from April to October 2018, which is one of the main contents of a FAO project of “Reducing food loss and improving agricultural ecology based pest rodent management in Guizhou Province”. A total of 450 farmers were trained through a participatory training and adult non-formal education style introduced by the project. The scores of ballot box test increased from 75.40 for the pre-training participants to 93.36 for the trained farmers, which suggested the participants’ ability were obvious improved. At the end of the training, a survey was conduct for examining trainees’ satisfaction. The results showed trainees were very satisfied with the training process. Generally, high satisfaction rate was 96.07%, and the common satisfaction rate was 3.93%. A survey of quality control indexes for the training also showed a fine effect. In order to further improve the level of FFS in the future, we have the following advices: coordinate training time of FFS and farming activity time;better curriculums of FFS should be developed;the training of rodent management knowledge and technologies need insist for a long time and more funds should be provided for the training.
作者 杨再学 周朝霞 尹文书 李恩涛 艾祯仙 田勇 白智江 肖卫平 李梅 陆晓欢 许兴亮 罗全丽 谈孝凤 YANG Zai-xue;ZhOU Zhao-xia;YIN Wen-shu;LI En-tao;AI Zhen-xian;TIAN Yong;BAI Zhi-jiang;XIAO Wei-ping;LI Me;LU Xiao-huan;XU Xing-liang;LUO Quan-li;TAN Xiao-feng(Guizhou Yuqing Plant Protection Station, Yuqing, Guizhou 564400, China;Guizhou Duyun Plant Protection Station, Duyun, Guizhou 558000, China;Guizhou Xifeng Plant Protection Station, Xifeng Guizhou 551100, China;Guizhou Wengan Plant Protection Station, Wengan Guizhou 550400, China;Guizhou Sandu Plant Protection Station, Sandu Guizhou 558100, China;Guizhou Cengong Plant Protection Station, Cengong, Guizhou 557800, China;Guizhou Qiannan Plant Protection Station, Duyun, Guizhou 558000, China;Guizhou Plant Protection Station,Guiyang ,Guizhou 550001, China)
出处 《山地农业生物学报》 2019年第1期51-56,92,共7页 Journal of Mountain Agriculture and Biology
基金 联合国粮农组织(FAO)技术合作项目"贵州鼠害控制减少粮食损失保护农业生态安全项目"(TCP/CPR/3608) 贵州省高层次创新型人才培养项目"贵州省高层次创新型人才"百"层次(鼠害人才团队)培养项目"(黔科合人才[2015]4019号)
关键词 鼠害控制 农民田间学校 实施效果 建议 贵州省 rodent management farmer field school conduction effect advices Guizhou province
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