
分类推进城市非户籍人口落户的逻辑与路径 被引量:5

The Logic and Path of Classified Household Registration of Urban Non-registered Population
摘要 新一轮户籍制度改革的一项重要举措是实施差别化落户,差别化落户政策的分类标准主要是城市规模,即规模越大的城市落户控制越严。然而,仅从城市规模分类来实施差别落户政策存在较大局限,因为城市非户籍人口的迁移范围和城市财政资源的获取方式同样是影响落户的重要因素。文章根据由城市行政级别和地区经济发达程度决定的财政资源获取方式,对我国地级以上城市进行初步分类,再根据城市非户籍人口迁移范围特征对分类进行调整,将339个地级以上城市分为四种不同类型,提出针对性的非户籍人口落户实施路径。其中,发达地区高行政级别的城市应推动人口疏解,发达地区低行政级别的城市应得到中央财政转移支付和投资的重点倾斜,欠发达地区高行政级别的城市应实施全省范围内的人地挂钩政策,欠发达地区低行政级别的城市应全面放开落户限制。 Differentiated household registration, a significant move in the new round of the hukou system reform, has always developed its classified standard in accordance with the sizes of cities, namely, the larger the city, the stricter its household registration. The foregoing single standard, however, has much limitation and the migration area of urban non - registered population and the access to urban financial resources are also closely bound up with household registration. For this reason, in the article, a preliminary classification of cities at or above the prefectural level based on the access to financial resources that depends on administrative rank and economic situations has been made first, an adjustment of the above classification on account of urban non - registered population migration areas has followed and then the division of 339 cities at or above the prefectural level into four different categories and its targeted non - household population registration path have been rolled out. To be more specific, population diversion is fundamental for high administrative rank cities in developed areas, more fiscal transfer payments and investments from the central government are crucial for low administrative rank cities in developed areas, the province - wide mechanism to link the settlement of non - hukou citizens to the newly increased urban construction land quotas is requisite for high administrative rank cities in underdeveloped areas and lifting household registration restrictions is imperative for low administrative rank cities in underdeveloped areas.
作者 邹一南 Zou Yinan(Party School of the Central Committee of C. P. C. ( Chinese Academy of Governance) , Beijing)
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期117-126,共10页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"农民工市民化进程中制度冲突与协调问题研究"(项目编号:15CJL033)
关键词 城市 非户籍人口 落户 分类推进 City Non - registered Population Household Registration Classified Promotion
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