An early stage techno-economic analysis was performed to compare a traditional element chlorine free (ECF) sequence (OOD0[EOP]D1P) with the proposed totally chlorine free (TCF) sequence (OA[ZEO]1[ZEO]2P) for a bleached eucalyptus kraft mill. Similar operating cost (ECF=465US$/ADt, TCF=468US$/ADt) and similar internal rate of return (ECF=16.5%, TCF=16.4%) were obtained. Although the TCF case has lower revenue with surplus steam, saving with chemicals (NaOH, NaCIO3) pays the higher consumption of electricity. Probabilistic analyses were also performed to evaluate the financial risks associated with of sodium hydroxide and sodium chlorate have significant impact on the probability distribution of the internal rate of return (IRR). Despite its promising potential, the new TCF sequence has only been tested in laboratory scale and further scale up has to be performed to validate the technology. However, the techno-economic analysis shows that the proposed TCF technology has promising potential for future industry application.
China Pulp & Paper Industry