

The Lake Malawi Border Dispute and Its Solving Ways
摘要 20世纪60年代至今,马拉维与坦桑尼亚两国围绕在马拉维湖/尼亚萨湖中边界的具体位置先后爆发两次争端。争端的最早爆发与两国当时的政治敌对和殖民统治时期产生的地图、文献资料的含混不清有密切关系。而两国对湖中资源的争夺是导致新世纪争端再起的最新和最主要的因素。考虑到20世纪80年代以来,非洲不乏将领土边界与海洋争端提交国际法院裁决的先例,以及马拉维对此种解决方式的强烈愿望,目前不能排除马拉维与坦桑尼亚通过司法方式解决争端的可能性;但由于坦桑尼亚强烈反对和已有成案中国际法院判决结果落实情况不尽如人意,两国将争端提交国际法院也面临重重障碍。2012年以来,争端双方都接受了南共体主持下的调解,虽进展并不顺利,但未来一段时间内,通过第三方调解的外交方式仍然是马拉维与坦桑尼亚寻求解决边界争端的首选。其中尤为重要的是,充分考虑和尊重两国的资源诉求,就勘探和开发湖底资源达成一个公平合理的共同开发方案。 Since the 1960s,Malawi and Tanzania have disputed twice over the precise location of their border in Lake Malawi/Nyasa. The first outbreak of the dispute has close relation with the two countries' political hostility and the ambiguous boundary maps & documents produced in colonial era. The new but the most important factor that lead to the resurgence of the dispute in 2011 is the two countries' scramble for the natural resources of the lake. Considering the precedents in Africa of submitting the boundary and territorial disputes to the ICJ and Malawi's strong desire for this way,it is possible for Malawi and Tanzania to settle the dispute through the judicial way. But Tanzania's strong objection and the dissatisfactory implementation of the awards made by the ICJ in the precedents are the most obstacles for appealing to the ICJ. Since 2012,the disputants have accepted the mediation through the SADC. In spite of the difficult mediation process,the diplomatic way under the auspices of the third party is still the top choice for Malawi and Tanzania to settle their boundary dispute in the next period of time. It is particularly important for the disputants to consider and respect fully the resources demand of each other,in order to reach a fair and reasonable joint development program of exploring and developing the resources under the lake.
作者 关培凤 GUAN Peifeng(Wuhan University)
出处 《边界与海洋研究》 2019年第2期118-128,共11页 Journal of Boundary and Ocean Studies
基金 国家社科基金青年项目"非洲边界和领土争端的解决模式研究"(12CGJ012) 浙江省2011协同创新中心"非洲研究与中非合作协同创新中心"资助项目(14FZZX05YB)阶段性成果
关键词 马拉维 坦桑尼亚 边界争端 国际法院 外交调解 Malawi Tanzania boundary dispute International Court of Justice diplomatic mediation
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