
中国医学科学院肿瘤医院国际交流与人才培养情况分析 被引量:10

International Exchanges and Talents Cultivation in Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences
摘要 [目的]总结中国医学科学院肿瘤医院出国人员的国际交流合作的现状及归国后的发展成果,分析影响出国人员发展成果的因素。[方法]以2018年中国医学科学院肿瘤医院在职职工,曾有出国学习/进修/工作1个月以上者为研究对象。自行设计调查问卷,以"问卷星"微信电子问卷的形式进行调查,从人员类型、出访类型、出访国家、归国后文章课题成果及后续交流情况等方面进行了统计分析和评价。[结果]本研究中共99人完成问卷调查。临床及临床相关科室人员85人(85.86%);行政管理人员14人。目前,副高及以上职称76人,占总人数的76.77%(76/99)。首次出国时,中青年骨干为主要出国对象(博士学位者占70.71%、工作年限≤10年者占76.76%、中级及以下职称占66.67%)。身份为访问学者及博士后研究为主,派出地点以美国、欧洲和日本等发达国家及地区为主。从出国期限看,以超过6个月的学习研究为主(64.6%),平均11.85个月。资助类别中,以外方资助(51.79%)及本院经费资助(15.18%)为主。归国后,共有89名人员(89.90%)发表154篇文章,其中98篇SCI文章(63.64%),影响因子>5分的SCI文章30篇(30.61%,30/98);共有73名(73.74%)人员累计申请课题123项,其中国际课题5项(4.07%),国家级27项(21.95%),省部级课题25项(20.33%)。综合自我评估后,分别有76.76%、65.66%、62.63%、22.22%和58.59%的出国人员认为出国提高了自身英语能力、科研能力、交往能力、管理能力和医院的医疗水平。[结论]中国医学科学院肿瘤医院出国学习交流人员以中青年骨干为主,出国学习有助于提高人员的自身临床、科研能力,促进学科建设及医院的发展。 [Purpose] To summarize the present situation of international exchanges for talent cultivation,and to analyze the performance of talents after returning from overseas and the related factors.[Methods] The staff of Cancer Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,who had studied or worked abroad for more than one month in 2018 were investigated. A survey was conducted with "Questionnaire Star" Wechat electronic questionnaire. The types of personnel,types of visits,countries visited,the publication and topics after returning and the follow-up exchanges were analyzed.[Results] Ninety-nine participants completed the questionnaire survey. There were 85(85.86%) clinical and clinical associated staff and 14 administrative staff. Among them,76 held associate-senior and above professional titles(76.77%). Among young and middle-aged backbone personnel who had the first time overseas visit,70.71% were PhD degree holders,76.76% were working for less than 10 years,66.67% had intermediate and below professional titles. As visiting scholars and post-doctoral researchers,the visiting countries mainly were United States,Europe and Japan. The main study period was more than 6 months(64.6%) with an average of 11.85 months. The 51.79% support funds were from foreign resources and 15.18% from domestic resources. After returning to China,89(89.9%) people published 154 articles,of which 98(63.64%)were SCI papers including 30(30.61%) with impact factor >5;73(73.7%) people applied for 123 research grants,including 5 international grants(4.07%),27 national grants(21.95%) and 25 provincial and ministerial grants(20.33%). The comprehensive self-assessment showed that 76.76%,65.66%,62.63%,22.22% and 58.59% of the participants thought that they had improved their English ability,research ability,communication ability,management ability and clinical competence.[Conclusion] Young and middle-aged staff are the mainstay of study and exchange personnel abroad. Studying abroad helps to improve the clinical and research ability of personnel,and promote discipline construction and hospital development.
作者 冯萍 代敏 FENG Ping;DAI Min(National Cancer Center/National Clinical Research Center for Cancer/Cancer Hospital,ChineseAcademy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100021 ,China)
出处 《中国肿瘤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第3期185-190,共6页 China Cancer
关键词 肿瘤医院 国际交流 公派出国 学科建设 人才培养 医院管理 cancer hospital international exchange government-sponsored overseas study discipline construction personnel training hospital administration
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