

Modeling and Analysis of Environmental Impact of Logistics Express Packaging
摘要 针对物流领域环保的重要意义,需要构建快递包装环节对环境的影响模型。分析了快递包装环节主要污染物,将其大致分为CO_2、CO、NO_x、粉尘和N_2O等物质,并将物流快递包装环节污染物产生的环境影响分类为全球变暖、酸化和富营养化等方面。将各污染物造成的污染具体化到土壤污染、水体污染以及大气污染三部分,从环境经济学角度分析物流快递包装环节的生态影响。计算快递包装废弃物再利用获取的资源效益,将其与各污染物生态影响特征化结果、水体污染费用、大气污染费用、土壤污染费用相结合,构建物流快递包装环节对环境影响模型。 In view of the importance of environmental protection in the field of logistics, it is necessary to construct a model of the impact of the express packaging process on the environment. The main pollutants in the express packaging process were analyzed, which were roughly divided into CO 2, CO, NO x, dust and N 2O, and the environmental impacts of pollutants in the logistics express packaging were classified as global warming, acidification and eutrophication. The pollution caused by various pollutants is embodied in soil pollution, water pollution and air pollution. The opportunity cost is used to calculate the soil pollution cost, the recovery cost method is used to calculate the water pollution cost, and the market value method is used to calculate the air pollution cost. Calculate the resource benefits obtained from the reuse of express packaging waste, combine it with the characteristic results of ecological impacts of various pollutants, water pollution costs, air pollution costs, and soil pollution costs, and construct an environmental impact model for logistics express packaging.
作者 李菁 Li Jing(Department of Economic Management, Xi an Vocational and Technical College, Xi an 710077, China)
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2019年第3期58-62,共5页 Environmental Science and Management
关键词 物流 快递包装 环境 影响 logistics express packaging surroundings influences
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