
广义虚拟经济理论视角的“和聚式养老”新型模式初探 被引量:2

On Harmonious Old-age Support New Model From the Perspective of Generalized Virtual Economy Theory
摘要 目前我国存在养老难的问题,为此需要在我国现行的养老模式基础上,不断探索和开拓新的养老模式。运用广义虚拟经济理论的思想、观点以及原理和方法,坚持生活价值论的主张,秉承广义虚拟经济的理念,推出新型养老模式。通过对比分析现行家庭养老、机构养老、社区养老这些主要养老模式,并吸纳发达国家养老模式的经验,创新性构建"特定群体‘和聚式养老’"这个新型养老模式。特定群体"和聚式养老",其群体的群员具有"人群有共通之处、人群彼此之间差异性小"即"人和"的特征,因而构成一个"人和"的特点群体。这类群体既便于"合居""合聚",更容易"和聚",因为该养老模式是特定人群主观选择的结果。新型养老模式有助于发掘养老新内涵,有效整合"银发资源",形成规模经济效应,降低养老成本,提升养老效率,提升老年人幸福满意度。依据"和聚式养老"新型模式,探索性地在"同学群体、知青群体、同事群体"这三类特定人群当中构建养老模式,然后分析这些养老模式开发的可行性和基础条件,探究模式的培育机制,针对模式的定位、开发、规划给出相应的对策。 There is a difficulty in providing for the aged currently,and therefore,it is necessary to explore and develop a new old-age provision model on the basis of current mode in China.A new supporting pattern for the aging people should be carried out by applying the ideas,viewpoints,principles and approaches of generalized virtual economy theory,adhering to the opinions of live value theory and observing the concepts of generalized virtual economy.Through comparing and analyzing the current family oldage support,institution old-age support and community old-age support for the aged and absorbing the experience of pattern of providing for the aged in developed countries,the brand new old-age support pattern,namely,innovative construction of"specific groups of harmonious old-age support"is established.Concerning specific group of"clustering-based old-age support",the group members"have things in common and the difference between them is slight",referring to the characteristics-harmonious group.Therefore,they can form a group with harmonious characteristics.This kind of group is easy to"live together"and"gather",easier to"get along well with each other"as the old-age support model is the result of subjective choices of members in specific group.The new old-age support model is helpful to explore the new connotation of the old-age support,effectively integrate the"silver hair resources",form large-scale economic effect,reduce the cost of old-age support,improve the efficiency of old-age support,and enhance the happiness satisfaction of the elderly.According to the"clustering-based old-age support",it is indispensable to build a new old-age support model among these three specific groups,that is,"classmate group,educated youth group and colleague group",and then analyze the feasibility and basic conditions of the development of these old-age support models,explore patterned old-age support model and put forward corresponding measures according to the orientation,development and planning of the model.
作者 彭花 贺正楚 吴艳 郑琦 PENG Hua;HE Zheng-chu;WU Yan;ZHENG Qi(Changsha Social work College,Changsha Hunan,410004,China;Changsha University of Science and Technology Changsha Hunan,410114,China)
出处 《广义虚拟经济研究》 2018年第3期45-60,共16页 Research on the Generalized Virtual Economy
基金 广义虚拟经济研究专项资助项目[项目编号:GX2014-1003(Y)] 国家社科基金项目(17BJL006) 湖南省社科基金项目(16YBG005) 湖南省教育厅人文社科项目(14A086) 湖南省企业管理与投资基地研究课题(18JDZD01)
关键词 广义虚拟经济理论 生活价值论 新型养老模式 特定群体 和聚式养老 generalized virtual economy theory value based on life new old-age support model particular group harmonious old-age support
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