

On the Thai Translation of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms":A Perspective from Bourdieu's Field Theory of Social Production
摘要 《三国演义》的泰译史可分为三个时期:19世纪以文学文本生产为特征;20世纪初到20世纪70年代以文学文本与实用文本并行生产为特征;20世纪80年代以来以多媒介多元文本生产为特征。研究以布迪厄场域理论的场域与资本为观察工具,观察泰曼谷王朝以来国家元场域和文学场域资本变化与译本生产的关联。研究发现:第一个时期呈现出国家场域资本主导、精英文学场域资本呼应特征;第二个时期表现为国家场域资本、文学场域新经济资本的平行特征;第三个时期出现文学场域多元资本介入、国家场域资本支持特征。当前中泰友好关系持续,国家场域资本与文学场域多元资本为《三国演义》多元新译本以及三国文化产品在泰的新入场提供了良好的新机遇。 The history of the Thai Translation of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", a Chinese historical novel, can be roughly divided into three periods, namely: the starting period in the 19th century, which is characterized by the production of literary texts, with the birth of "Samkok" the first and most influential poetic Thai translation of a Chinese novel;followed by the period of stable development from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1970s , which is featured by the parallel production of literary and practical texts, marked by an increasing number of Thai translation in either traditional poetic forms or new and pragmatic forms;and then the prosperity period ever since 1980s, which is featured by the boom of a variety of translated versions both on online and offline media. This study takes Bourdieu's concept of "field" and "capital" as the observation tool, and discusses the relationship between the capital changes in national meta-field and the literary field and the corresponding variation in Thai translation since the Bangkok Dynasty. It finds that the first period was dominated by the capital in the national field and supported by that in the elite Thai literary field;the second period experienced a parallelism of capital in the national field and the new economic capital in the literary field;and the third period saw the prosperity promoted by multi-capital intervention in literary field and backed by the capital in the national field. At present, the friendly Sino-Thai relationship and the capital support both in the national field and literary field, provide new opportunities for producing new versions of translation and promoting the marketing of cultural products based on "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
作者 李萍 Li Ping
出处 《中华文化论坛》 北大核心 2019年第2期22-32,154,155,共13页 Journal of Chinese Culture
基金 四川省社科联外语专项:"中国文学国别传播的翻译本地化研究--以<三国演义>泰国传播为例"(项目编号:SC17WY006)研究成果 四川省哲学社会科学重点研究基地诸葛亮研究中心资助项目成果
关键词 《三国演义》 泰译 场域 资本 "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" Thai translation field capital
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