
独立后的马来西亚印度人政治 被引量:1

Analysis on Indian Politics in Malaysia After the Independence
摘要 1957年马来亚独立后,绝大多数的印度人在政治上开始认同马来亚为祖国。到20世纪70年代,印度人社会对马来西亚政治的普遍参与已经呈现出持久的稳定性。参与执政的印度人政党在政府中的地位,一直处于被弱化的境遇。由于印度裔政治领袖无法为本身族群社会中的贫困阶层(主要是信仰印度教的泰米尔人)争取权益,甚至朝野的多数印度裔领袖无法使用泰米尔语来沟通,进而赢取占印度裔社群大多数的泰米尔人的支持,最终促使兴权会在21世纪初迅速崛起为一股新兴的政治力量。2007年后,以兴权会为主导,印度人开展了一系列的示威游行活动,争取自身的族群权益。但是,兴权会政治主张的感情用事和毫不妥协,效果适得其反。它所提出的马来西亚印度人遭受"族群清洗"的说法也可能使其失去大批的政治支持者。印度人的政治诉求没有得到重视,更谈不上被满足。印度人社会普遍贫困的问题未能改善,其犯罪率是三大族群中最高的;印度人的私会党也日益兴盛、猖獗,给马来西亚社会治安带来诸多挑战。中产阶级队伍的成长、壮大,使印度人社会出现了以卡巴星为代表的大批政治精英。印度人政治上存在严重分化,部分程度地削弱了其在马来西亚的地位和作用。马来西亚应该以和谐的多元种族社会,更稳定、更高效的多元族群政治面对未来。 After the independence of Malaya in 1957,the majority of Indians began to identify Malaya as their motherland.By the 1970s,the Indians’ participation in Malaysian politics had been stable.The status of the Indian parties participating in the government has been weakened.Because Indian political leaders couldn’t fight for the rights of the poor (mainly Hindu Tamil) in their own society,and even the majority of Indian leaders in the ruling party and the opposition party couldn’t use the Tamil language to communicate and to win the majority of the Indian community.The support of Tamils eventually led to the rapid rise of HINDRAF in the early 21st century as an emerging political force.After 2007,led by HINDRAF,the Indians had launched a series of demonstrations for the improvement of their ethnic rights.However,the emotional and ethical claims of the political proposition of HINDRAF are counterproductive,and the effect is counterproductive.Its claim that the Indians of Malaysia are suffering from “ethnic cleansing” may also make them lose a large number of political supporters.The problem of widespread poverty in Indian society has not improved,and its crime rate is the highest among the three major ethnic groups,although its population is the smallest;Indian secret societies are also prosperous and rampant to Malaysian public security.The growth of the middle class has led to the emergence of a large number of political elites represented by Karpal Singh in Indian society.The Indian society has serious political division,which has partially weakened their position and role in Malaysian politics.What lies ahead for Malaysia should be with a multi-ethnic society that is more harmonious and more stable.
作者 石沧金 Shi Cangjin
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2019年第1期95-119,153-154,共26页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
基金 2013年国家社科基金项目<马来西亚华人与印度人政治参与的比较研究>(13BMZ070)的阶段性成果
关键词 独立后 马来西亚 印度人 政治 兴权会 After the Independence Malaysia Indian Politic HINDRAF
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