

Public Private Partnerships and Energy Saving and Emission Reduction: An Experience from Thailand ENCON Fund
摘要 促进节能减排是政府公共服务的重要组成部分。但是,政府财力有限,企业、金融机构等市场主体又缺乏投入动力,任何一方的单独行动都难以充分满足社会对节能减排的需求,导致节能减排产业长期因投入不足而发展缓慢。公私合作模式(PPP)能够让公共部门和私营机构在某种制度安排下形成利益共同体,以有限的公共资金撬动大量的社会资本投入公共服务领域,这一机制已被广泛应用于节能减排领域。泰国是较早利用PPP模式促进节能减排的国家之一,该国以节能推广基金为核心,将政府、非营利性组织以及银行等纳入同一框架,共同支持和推动企业投资节能减排项目。政府相关部门负责能源战略和政策的制定、提供部分资金支持并履行监督责任,擅长与中小企业沟通的非营利性组织负责基金运行和管理,通过专用贷款的形式让银行参与节能减排项目评估与监督,进而提供融资支持。泰国节能推广基金的运作模式和成效获得了国际社会的广泛认可,对我国利用公私合作推进节能减排具有重要的借鉴价值。我国应促进公私合作模式在节能减排领域的规范化运作,创新节能减排项目的资金来源和使用方式,实施差异化项目以满足特定群体和特定时段的需求,注重发挥第三方机构在公私合作中的作用。 It is an important component of public services for Promoting energy saving and emission reduction (ESER).But due to lack of public fund of the public sector and the low investment enthusiasm of private sectors such as enterprises and financial institutions,any unilateral action of government or market cannot solve the ESER supply-demand imbalance,leading to slow development of ESER industries with long-term insufficient investment.PPP approach can establish an interesting community between the public sector and private sector under some kind of institutional arrangement and then drive an amount of social capital by investing limited public fund.Thailand is one of the earliest countries in using the PPP approach to promote ESER.It focuses on the energy conservation promotion fund(ENCON Fund),incorporate government,non-profit organizations and banks,which incorporates into one framework to jointly support and promote enterprises to invest in ESER projects.The relevant government departments are responsible for the formulation of energy strategies and policies,partial financial support and fulfilling supervisory responsibilities.Non-profit organizations that are good at communicating with SMEs are responsible for fund operation and management,and banks are allowed to participate in ESER project evaluation and supervision through special loans,then the bank can decide whether to provide financing support.The operation mode and effectiveness of the Thailand ENCON Fund have been widely recognized by the international community,it can provide a reference for China to use PPP to promote ESER reduction.China should promote the standardization of PPP mode in the field of ESER,innovate the source of funds and utilization of ESER projects,implement differentiated projects to meet the needs of specific groups and in specific time periods,and focus on the roleof third-party institutions in PPP.
作者 路征 朱海华 Lu Zheng;Zhu Haihua
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2019年第1期134-149,154-155,共17页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金政策研究重点支持项目"‘一带一路’与中国西部发展"(71742004)的阶段性成果
关键词 公私合作 PPP 节能减排 公共服务 社会资本 Public Private Partnerships Energy Saving and Emission Reduction An Experience from Thailand ENCON Fund
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