
创客教育背景下转型应用高校开源硬件实践课程的设计与探索 被引量:5

摘要 从创客到创客运动的蓬勃发展,推动了创客教育的广泛开展和借助各类新兴技术不断演进。作为转型应用高校在此背景下,以服务区域经济和培养应用型高技能人才为导向,加入到创新实践教学改革的浪潮中,现代信息技术的融合和发展也促进了创客教育模式的快速发展,也成为高校创新创业教育实践的改革方案,如何开展更有效的项目学习和实践训练,是其中最本质的核心问题。开源硬件普及和发展正逐渐变成创新者有力的实践工具,对创客教育的发展起到了积极和推动的作用,开源硬件在转型应用型高校开展创客教育当中就扮演了最核心的角色,借助开源硬件修订相关的人才培养计划和设计课程的内容具有充分必要性,以教师、学生、课程、项目等几个方面探索基于创客教育的开源硬件实践课程的设计。 From the innovator to the thriving movement of the innovator movement, it promoted the extensive development of innovator education and continued to evolve with the help of various emerging technologies. In this context, as a university for transformation and application, it is guided by the service of regional economy and the cultivation of applied high-skilled talents, and joined the wave of innovative practice teaching reform. The integration and development of modern information technology has also promoted the rapid development of the maker education model. It has also become a reform program for innovation and entrepreneurship education in colleges and universities. How to develop more effective project learning and practical training is one of the most essential core issues. The popularity and development of open source hardware is gradually becoming a powerful practical tool for innovators. It has played a positive and promoting role in the development of maker education. Open source hardware has played a central role in the launch of student education in transitional universities. The use of open source hardware to revise the contents of the relevant personnel training programs and design courses is necessary and sufficient, and teachers, students, courses, projects, and other aspects explore the design of open source hardware practice courses based on maker education.
出处 《高教学刊》 2019年第9期36-39,共4页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 2015年度广东省高等教育教学改革研究重点项目"基于创客理念的综合创新实践教育体系的建立与研究"(编号:2015J002) 2016年度广东省高等教育学会实验室管理专业委员会研究基金项目"‘双创’背景下创客开源实验教学中心的探索与建设"(编号:GDJ2016058) 2018年中山大学新华学院校级教学质量与教学改革工程项目"新工科背景下智能互联与智能制造工程实践教育体系的建设与改革"(编号:2018J033)
关键词 创客教育 开源硬件 实践课程 创新创业教育 innovator education open source hardware practical courses innovation and entrepreneurship education
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