陡峭的山坡上,一头羚牛正在察探这片草地;茫茫大雪覆盖荒凉山地,一只雪豹正小心翼翼地行进……汇聚了美国摄影师Jed Weingarten和中国摄影师王建军的美中两国西部风光图片《探索大洋彼岸——美中旅游摄影展》,3月30日在重庆图书馆圆满收官。
On the steep hillside,a gazelle is exploring the meadow,and a snow leopard is carefully marching through the vast snow-covered desolate mountains...The beauty scenery is available in the exhibition of collected pictures of the Western scenery of the United States and China by the American photographer Jed Weingarten,and the Chinese photographer Wang Jianjun.
The World & Chongqing