

A Review of Yan's,Bao's and the Xies' Poetry and Fang Hui's Poetics of the Six Dynasties
摘要 方回《文选颜鲍谢诗评》成书于其晚年,集中体现了他对六朝诗的看法。在选评诸家诗作时,方回乃悬置"建安体法"与"建安风味"为高标。建安诗以"散义胜偶句,叙情胜述景"的体法所形成的"气韵高古,而音节华畅""驰骋痛快"的诗歌风貌,为颜鲍谢诸家所不及。由是,谢灵运之"艳过于工"、颜延之之"雕缋满眼"、谢朓之"太工太巧",均在被批评之列。方回对颜鲍谢诸人不是一味否定,也激赏其自然天成、富于意趣的作品;赞许他们对唐宋人创作的积极影响,进而从江西诗法的角度梳理诸人作品在章法、句法和字法上的特色,肯定诸家在诗运转关之际所作出的种种成就。这也显现了方回企图矫正江湖、四灵诗派颓俗卑弱的诗风,从而重振江西诗派旗帜的目的。方回还在其他著述中表现出了对陶渊明的偏爱,与此书一道共同构建了其六朝诗学观。 A Review of Yan’s,Bao’s and the Xies ’ Poetry was written in Fang Hui ’s old age,which contains his views on the literature of the Six Dynasties. In his review,Fang Hui adopted the Jian’an Style and Jian’an Flavor as the criteria. Jian’an poetry excelled in the poetic style featuring the classic style of qiyun( aura) and wild abandon with strong and vigorous emotions,which were derived from the conviction that verses written in simple style are better than parallel sentences. Besides,writers preferred expressing emotions than depicting scenery. In these aspects,Yan ’s,Bao ’s and the Xies ’ poetry were not as good as Jian ’an poetry. So Fang Hui criticized Yan’s,Bao’s and the Xies’ poetry for gorgeous words and sedulously pursuing exquisiteness. Fang Hui did not simply pay attention on their shortcomings,but thought highly of those verses characterized by natural style and rich and interesting words. He also praised their influences on writings of the Tang and Song dynasties,and then analyzed their poetic features including structure,order,syntax and diction from the Jiangxi Poetry School ’s perspective. Meanwhile,Fang Hui affirmed their contribution to the reform of poetry,which meant that he wanted to change the decadent and vulgar poetic style of the Jiangxi Poetry School and the Siling Poetry School in order to revitalize the aesthetic ideal of the Jiangxi Poetry School.Besides,Fang Hui expressed his admiration of Tao Yuanming,which was also one of the important parts of his views on the poetics of the Six Dynasties.
作者 赵厚均 Zhao Houjun(Department of Chinese Language and Literature, East China Normal University,Shanghai 200241 , China)
出处 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第6期152-158,共7页 Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art
关键词 方回 建安体法 建安风味 新体诗 江西诗法 陶渊明 Fang Hui Jian'an style Jian'an flavor new style poems poetic technique of the Jiangxi Poetry School Tao Yuanming
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  • 2永珞等:《四库全书总目》,北京:中华书局1965年版.
  • 3袁行霈.《陶渊明集笺注》,北京:中华书局2003年版.
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  • 7方回:《瀛奎律髓汇评》,李庆甲校点.上海:上海古籍出版社,2005年.
  • 8萧统.《陶渊明文集序》.
  • 9钱锺书.《谈艺录》“放翁与中晚唐人”条(北京.三联书店,2001年)318.
  • 10钱锺书.《宋诗选注》(北京.人民文学出版社,1989年)159.








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