
中外体育舞蹈研究动态量化分析 被引量:14

Quantitative Analysis on Research Trends of Dance Sport at Home and Abroad
摘要 为全面梳理中外体育舞蹈研究脉络,厘清该领域的研究现状、热点、演化趋势等一系列问题,以CNKI和Web of Science数据库中收录的体育舞蹈相关文献为考察对象,借助信息可视化软件Cite Space V绘制知识图谱,揭示中外体育舞蹈研究前沿动态,为该领域的后续研究提供借鉴与启示。研究结论:(1)国内体育舞蹈文献数量以阶段性线性方式增加,且存在"高产低质"现象;国外体育舞蹈文献数量呈现跳跃式升降变化的趋势。(2)国内体育舞蹈领域呈现出各自为营的碎片化研究格局,研究机构以体育院校为主,武汉体育学院位列榜首;国外方面,核心作者群初见雏形,研究机构以高校为主,Wolverhampton University、University Split、National Institute Dance Medicine&Science、University Tartu并列第一,英国和美国是研究的热点区域,国外研究机构间的合作密度显著高于国内。(3)国内体育舞蹈研究重点围绕体育舞蹈教学、音乐、艺术、价值等方面展开的基础性研究,多领域跨学科的综合性研究尚未成为主流方向;国外体育舞蹈研究的理论视角呈现出更加多元化的发展趋势,研究焦点主要集中在体育锻炼、健康促进、疾病干预3个方面。主要建议:(1)注重学术共同体的培育,实现单兵作战向团队协作转变;(2)注重理论与实践的统一,实现宏观理论向纵深应用转变;(3)注重跨学科的借鉴与融合,实现单一化探讨向多学科交叉渗透转变。 In order to better understand dance sport study in China and foreign countries, to investigate the research status, key area and development trend in this field, the paper aims to analyze the latest condition of dance sport at home and abroad. The goal is to offer references and inspirations for the future research on the related data recorded by CNKI and Web of Science database with the aid of the knowledge graph by Cite Space V. The conclusions are as follows:(1) The number of dance sport literature in China increases in a phased linear manner with the phenomenon of "high yield but low quality" while this number in foreign country shows a skipping trend of rise and fall.(2) In domestic field, dance sport studies are often self-centered with the sports institution as the main research institution with Wuhan Sports University being ranked the first while in oversea studies the core authors has earned its first pattern with the universities being the primary research engines and Wolverhampton University, University Split, National Institute Dance Medicine &Science and University Tartu are all at the top. To be specific, the United Kingdom and the US are the key areas and the foreign cooperation activeness is significantly higher than that of domestic.(3)The national dance sport studies are basic research mainly directed on dance teaching, music, art and value whereas the comprehensive multi discipline and inter discipline has not yet been formed. In comparison, a more diversified development trend is reflected by the overseas dance sport researches and the focus of the research is mainly directed on such areas as exercise, health promotion and disease intervention. Proposals:(1) Lay stress on the cultivation of academic community;achieve the transformation from individual combat to team collaboration;(2) Focus on the unity of theory and practice;realize the transformation from macro-theory to depth application;(3) Lay emphasis on interdisciplinary reference and integration;accomplish the transformation from unitary investigation to multidisciplinary overlapping and penetration.
作者 马丹 黄俊亚 MA Dan;HUANG Junya(College of Art, Beijing Sport University, Beijing 100084, China)
出处 《西安体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期185-194,共10页 Journal of Xi'an Physical Education University
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助课题(2018XS021)
关键词 体育舞蹈 知识图谱 研究前沿 dance sport mapping knowledge domain research frontier
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