目的探讨职业人群体育锻炼与降低工作中发生意外伤害风险的关系方法采用前瞻性队列研究方法,符合入选标准的45 633例职业人群进入观察队列,体育锻炼按①理想:每周≥3次,每次持续时间≥30 min;②一般:每周1~2次;③差:无;分3组;统计随访该队列职业人群在工作中发生意外伤害的情况;采用Cox比例风险模型评估体育锻炼与发生意外伤害的关联.结果职业人群意外伤害的累计发生率随着体育锻炼的增加呈下降趋势。与体育锻炼差组相比,理想组发生意外伤害的风险降低24.3%(HR 0.757,95%CI 0.613-0.934);按年龄和工作环境分层显示:年龄≥45岁的职业人群,积极体育锻炼是发生意外伤害的保护因素(HR 0.609,95%CI 0.444-0.834, P=0.002);对于井下工作人群,积极体育锻炼亦是发生意外伤害的保护因素(HR 0.730,95%C10.562-0.948,P=0.018)。结论职业人群中积极体育锻炼是工作中发生意外伤害的保护性因素,能够降低工作中发生意外伤害的风险;尤其对年龄>45岁,井下工作的人群更能降低此风险。
Objectives To explore the association between physical exercise and accidental injury risk in the workplace. Methods A prospective cohort study was used to include 45633 occupational groups eligible for admission to the observation cohort, Physical exercise by①ideal:≥ 3 times a week, each time the duration of ≥ 30 min;② general: 1 to 2 times a week;③ poor. Statistics from 2006.06 to 2014.06 follow-up of the queue of occupational groups in the work of accidental injury situation. Cox proportional hazards model was used to analyze the influencing factors of accidental injury. Results The cumulative incidence of accidental injuries in the ideal physical exercise population was less than the population with poor physical fitness. Cox proportional hazards model correction related influencing factors, compared with the poor physical exercise group the risk of accidental injury in the ideal group decreased by 24.3%(HR 0.757,95%CI 0.613-0.934)Stratified by age and working environment:: age≥ 45 years of occupational groups, active physical exercise is accidental injury's protective factors ( HR 0.609,95%CI 0.444-0.834, P=0.002);Positive physical exercise is also a protective factor for accidental injuiy (HR 0.730, 95% CI 0.562-0.94& P=0.018) for people engaged in underground work. Conclusions Positive physical activity in the occupational population is a protective factor in accidental injury at work, which can reduce the risk of accidental injury;especially for people over the age of 45, downhole work can reduce this risk.
GAO Jing li;WANG Ai tian;LI Xiao lan;CHEN shuo hua;WU Shou ling(Department of Intensive medicine, Kailuan General Hospital, Tangshan, China)
China Journal of Emergency Resuscitation and Disaster Medicine
Physical exercise
accidental injury
occupational population
cohort study