
论安乐哲儒家角色伦理学思想 被引量:6

On Roger Ames’ Philosophy in Confucian Role Ethics
摘要 安乐哲《儒家角色伦理学》是一部中西比较哲学的重要著作。本文集中讨论安乐哲《儒家角色伦理学》一书中的哲学思想,并分析其伦理与政治意味。通过比较英语的"role"与中文"角色"两个词的意义,我们可以发现,安乐哲试图通过其儒家伦理诠释所要表达的意义和要点。相比起来,"role"在英文语境当中所发挥的作用与影响,要比"角色"在中文语境之中起的作用要大,也更有特殊性的意义,所以也可以作出多方面的贡献。本文通过不同语境之中的比较研究,发现安乐哲所要强调的要点有:在英文语境当中,运用"role"这个字的新用法,可以推进儒家伦理哲学的讨论和发展,也更加贴近中文语境当中"角色"的本源意义。在英文语境当中,安乐哲与罗思文试图通过运用诸如"human becoming"这样的新颖词汇来表达西方应该开启对中国哲学的全新理解,类似的意义与他们希望通过运用"role"起到的效果异曲同工。安乐哲运用"焦点—场域"结构来说明人在不同关系当中的角色:角色既是人初生之后所带起来的各种角色,也是人们在行进和创造过程当中所建构与成就的角色。安乐哲因此强调,角色是我们生存经验之中最为重要的部分,绝不仅仅是人们表演或者展示出来的。总之,此文力图说明安乐哲的角色伦理学试图带给世界的全新维度。 Roger Ames’ Confucian Role Ethics: A Vocabulary, is a masterpiece in the field of Chinese and Western comparative philosophy. This paper focuses on Ames’ philosophy in his Confucian Role Ethics and analyzes its ethical and political sensibilities. Through comparing the meaning of role in English and juese(角色) in Chinese, we come to understand the reasonable points that Ames puts into his interpretation of Confucian ethics. The word "role" makes more contribution in its English-language background than the word juese in its original Chinese-language context. Through this kind of comparative studies, we come to understand more clearly about some points that Ames tends to emphasize: using the word "role" is a new path in promoting the philosophy of Confucian ethics, and it will be closer to its original Chinese meaning in the English-speaking world. The new vocabulary that Roger Ames and Henry Rosemont bring into the field of interpreting Chinese philosophy like "human becoming" is consistent with that the humans achieve, and become their "roles" throughout their lifetime. Roger Ames applies the "focus-field" structure to mean the status of role among different relations: roles are what we were originally born with, as well as the ongoing process that humans achieve through their walking and making. Roger Ames emphasizes that roles are the most essential part of our living experience, rather than it as something people perform and show to others. In short, this paper tries to illuminate the new dimensions that Ames’ role ethics tries to bring to the world.
作者 温海明 Wen Haiming
出处 《中国文化研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期41-48,共8页 Chinese Culture Research
关键词 安乐哲 儒家 角色 伦理学 ROLE Roger Ames Confucian Juese ethics role
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