
新型钛合金炮口制退器三维数值模拟与分析 被引量:7

Three-dimensional numerical simulation and analysis of new titanium alloy muzzle brake
摘要 以金属激光增材制造为技术手段,设计一种新型的钛合金航炮炮口制退器。基于三维非定常Euler方程,结合高精度Roe格式以及结构化网格技术,对带新型炮口制退器的膛口流场进行三维数值模拟,得到了小口径火炮的火药燃气速度以及冲击波的形成与发展过程。结果表明:新型炮口制退器起到分流与制退作用,多侧孔结构实现了大程度的分流效果,同时制退效率可达到29%。文中制退器的结构设计以及数值模拟仿真方法对于新型钛合金制退器的发展具有一定的参考意义。 A new type of titanium alloy muzzle brake was designed by the means of metal laser additive manufacturing.Based on the three-dimensional unsteady Euler equation,combined with the high-precision Roe format and structured grid technology,the three-dimensional numerical simulation of the muzzle flow field with new muzzle brake was carried out,the gas velocity,shock wave formation and development process of small caliber artillery guns were obtained.The results show that the new muzzle brake acts as shunting and retreating effect,and the multi-hole structure achieves the maximum shunt effect,and the retreat efficiency can reach 29%.The structural design and numerical simulation method of the brake in this paper have certain reference significance for the development of the new titanium alloy brake.
作者 刘嘉鑫 袁军堂 汪振华 章波 王俊飞 LIU Jiaxin;YUAN Juntang;WANG Zhenhua;ZHANG Bo;WANG Junfei(Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
机构地区 南京理工大学
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期31-34,共4页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
基金 兵器装备预先研究(6141B0104-2)
关键词 炮口制退器 数值模拟 制退效率 muzzle brake numerical simulation muzzle brake efficiency
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