
欧洲职教系统中的学习结果范式:背景、功能及特征 被引量:6

The Learning Outcome Oriented Paradigm in European VET System: Backgrounds, Functions and Characteristics
摘要 近年来,为了强化教育与培训系统和劳动力市场间的联系,欧洲职业教育与培训系统开始转向学习结果范式。学习结果范式的发展经历了从最初实践中的迷乱到两种指向的张力生成。强化职教系统和劳动力市场的联系,引入新的治理方式,推动资格的透明度和流动性等共同推动了学习结果的形成与勃兴。作为参考层面的描述符、联系理论学习与实践学习的媒介和质量保证的工具,学习结果发挥着确立资格框架和标准、引领课程与教学评估改革、对非正规和非正式学习进行认证以及提升质量保证等功能,呈现出覆盖面广、功能多样、结果导向等特征。对连接职业教育与劳动力市场,促进职业教育改革与发展,密切教育各领域间的联系,推动学习者中心等产生了积极影响。 In recent years, in order to strengthen the linkage between the education and training systems and the labor market, the European VET System began to shift to the learning outcome oriented paradigm. Such a paradigm experienced the development from the initial confusion in practice to the tension generation in both directions. Th development is jointly facilitated by the demand of strengthening the link between the education and training system and the labor market, introducing new governance methods, and promoting the transparency and mobility of qualifications. As a referential descriptor, a tool linking theoretical learning and practical learning and a tool for quality assurance, learning outcome plays a role in the establishment of the qualification frameworks and standards, reform of curriculum and teaching assessment, informal and non-formal learning certificating, and quality assurance. The paradigm presents the features of wide coverage, multifunctional and outcome-oriented and generates positive impacts on the connection between vocational education and the labor market, the promotion of vocational education reform and development, the close relationship between various fields of education, and the promotion of the learner-centered educational concept.
作者 管辉 谷峪 GUAN Hui;GU Yu(Institute of International and Comparative Education, Northeast Normal University , Changchun , Jilin, 130024)
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期87-96,共10页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目"职业教育技能战略的理论与实践研究"(14YJA880019)
关键词 欧洲 职业教育与培训 学习结果 学习范式 Europe vocational education and training learning outcomes Learning paradigm
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