
存史记事,铺陈为尚——清初诗学思想的一个重要方面 被引量:1

Emphasis on Elaboration while Recording Events in Historical Writing——A Significant Aspect of the Poetic Thought in Early Qing Dynasty
摘要 清初,惨烈的大事变延续既久,被迫"左衽"的文化屈辱又创剧痛深;同时,晚明的文化繁荣产生出了一大批文才卓异、思想丰富的作家。因缘际会",诗史"的文学思想便得到了空前的发育。这个时期,思想方面的领袖,当首推黄宗羲;文坛的领袖人物,无疑是钱谦益与吴伟业。他们的"诗史"观念以及率先垂范的创作实践,都对风靡一时的"存史记事,铺陈为尚"的诗歌思想产生了巨大的影响。而清初"诗史"书写的风潮之所以不过二三十年就骤然消歇了,主要是由于外部与内部因素造成的:随着清王朝统治趋于稳固,社会生活逐渐"常态化"",史材、史料"随之匮乏;同时文网渐密,更多的人对敏感话题避而远之。另一方面",诗史"观念的内在矛盾性——即"诗贵隐曲,史贵直切",限制了作家高水平创作的可能;而生硬地"以诗为史",也给诗歌增加了难以负荷之重。一成风气,免不了鱼龙混杂,衰落也就不可避免了。 In the early Qing Dynasty,the tragic transformation had continued for a long time and the cultural humiliation imposed by foreigners led to deep pain.Meanwhile,a number of talented and thoughtful writers came into being with the cultural prosperity in later Ming Dynasty--unintentionally the literary idea of"poetic history"flourished unprecedentedly.Huang Zongxi was the first and foremost leader of thinking;and Qian Qianyi and Wu Weiye were the leaders of writing.Their idea of"poetic history"and their practice as pioneers had great impact on the prevailing idea of poetry which"emphasized elaboration while recording events in historical writing".However,the"poetic history"writings waned abruptly in less than two to three decades due to both the external and internal factors.With the consolidation of the rule by the Qing Dynasty,social lives became"normalized"and"historical materials and resources"became scarce.At the same time as censorship got intense,and more writers tried to get away from sensitive topics.On the another hand,the internal paradox--"poetry is precious and hidden,history is precise and direct"--inhibited the possibility of the high-level writings by writers;the rigid writing,which took poetry as history,also overburdened the poetry.Thus its fading could not be prevented.
作者 陈洪 Chen Hong
机构地区 南开大学文学院
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期1-10,共10页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 清初 “诗史” 诗学思想 Early Qing Dynasty Poetic History Poetic Thought
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