
习近平共享思想论析 被引量:1

The Study of XI Jinping’s Sharing Thought
摘要 党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央科学判断时代发展趋势,深刻总结国内外发展经验教训,结合现阶段我国的发展实际,提出共享思想。习近平共享思想是我国发展理念的一次重大变革,其从全民共享、全面共享、共建共享、渐进共享四个方面全新阐释了共享思想的科学内涵,体现了系统性、实践性和人民性的基本特征,深化了我党对经济社会发展规律的认识,对我国逐步实现共同富裕,以及促进世界各国共同发展具有重要意义。 Since the 18 th Party Congress, the Party Central Committee with Comrade XI Jinping as its core, has scientifically judged the development trend of the times, profoundly summarized the experience and lessons of development at home and abroad, and combined with the actual development of China at the present stage, proposed XI Jinping’ s sharing thought. XI Jinping’ s sharing thought is a major change in the concept of development in China. It explains the scientific connotation of shared development from four aspects: sharing by all people, full sharing, co-construction and sharing, progressive sharing. It reflects the basic characteristics of systemicness, practicalness and affinity to the people, and deepen our party’ s understanding of the law of economic and social development. It is of great significance for China to gradually achieve common prosperity and promote the common development of all countries in the world.
作者 李芳艳 方莉 方文 LI Fangyan;FANG Li;FANG Wen(Office of General Affairs, Anhui Open University, Hefei 230022, China;Center for Political PartiesStudies of South Asia and Southeast Asia, Yunnan Agricutural University, Kunming 650201, China)
出处 《云南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第2期129-133,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Agricultural University(Social Science)
基金 国家社科基金项目"多元现代性视阈下的中国道路研究"(16BZX003) 国家社科基金项目"当代老挝社会主义发展态势研究"(18BKS047) 中国(昆明)南亚东南亚研究院一般项目"老挝政治 经济 外交走向及其对中老关系的影响"(CKYB201601)
关键词 习近平共享思想 科学内涵 论析 XI Jinping sharing thought scientific connotation study
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