A prompt gamma-neutron activation analysis(PGNAA) system was developed to detect the iron content of iron ore concentrate. Because of the self-absorption effect of gamma-rays and neutrons, and the interference of chlorine in the neutron field, the linear relationship between the iron analytical coefficient and total iron content was poor, increasing the error in the quantitative analysis. To solve this problem, gamma-ray self-absorption compensation and a neutron field correction algorithm were proposed, and the experimental results have been corrected using this algorithm. The results show that the linear relationship between the iron analytical coefficient and total iron content was considerably improved after the correction. The linear correlation coefficients reached 0.99 or more.
A prompt gamma-neutron activation analysis(PGNAA) system was developed to detect the iron content of iron ore concentrate. Because of the self-absorption effect of gamma-rays and neutrons, and the interference of chlorine in the neutron field, the linear relationship between the iron analytical coefficient and total iron content was poor, increasing the error in the quantitative analysis. To solve this problem, gamma-ray self-absorption compensation and a neutron field correction algorithm were proposed, and the experimental results have been corrected using this algorithm. The results show that the linear relationship between the iron analytical coefficient and total iron content was considerably improved after the correction. The linear correlation coefficients reached 0.99 or more.
supported by the National Key Scientific Instrument and Equipment Development Projects(No.2012YQ240121)
Liaoning science and technology project(No.2017220010)
Changchun Science and Technology Bureau Local Company and College(University,Institution)Cooperation Projects(No.17DY023)