The objective of this study was to considere as an explorer for in vivo studies on the production of some secondary metabolites from local medical plants named Viola odorata. Viola odorata commonly known as “garden violet or sweet violet” belongs to family Violaceae, is a slow growing perennial, with stout rootstock, grows in hedgerows, rough land and margins of woodland. 200 mg/kg of methanol extract for V. odorata was interacted with methotrexate as a drug in albino mice to see the healing capacity for this extract. Different organs were used such as intestine, kidney, spleen, and testes for this experiment. Each organ response was recorded in this experiment. Histopathological section in the intestine of animal treated with MTX and plant showed hypertrophy and hyperplasia of goblet cells and increased cellularity of lamna properia while Histopathological section in the testes of animal treated with MTX and plant showed no sperm in the seminiferous tubules of epididymis with the round multi-nuclei cell in the lumen accompanied by homogeneous material and cellular debris while Histopathological section in the spleen of animal treated with MTX and plant proliferation of lymphocytes in the periarteriolar sheath and proliferation of mononuclear cells around sinus in red pulp and Histopathological section in the kidney of animal treated with MTX and plant mononuclear cells aggregation in the interstitial tissue mainly around blood vessels and in the adipose tissue and renal tubules. Other sections showed hydropic degeneration of renal tubules.