

Interference Avoidance Based on Multidimensional Spectrum Map
摘要 针对复杂电磁环境下卫星移动通信系统可靠通信需求,利用频谱地图多维数据呈现优势,提出了基于多维频谱地图的干扰规避方法。通过建立卫星移动通信系统波束、时隙、子频带、干扰强度等多维信息关联的频谱地图,利用数据挖掘方法对频谱可用情况进行预测,基于预测结果及用户QoS(Quality of Service)需求生成干扰规避策略,通过星地联合频谱资源调配实现系统干扰规避。该方法为卫星移动通信系统干扰规避提供了一种全新的思路,可提升卫星移动通信系统干扰防护能力。 In order to satisfy the requirement of reliable communication for a satellite mobile communication system under the complex electromagnetic environment,an interference avoidance approach based on multidimensional spectrum map is proposed.The proposed method takes the advantage of multidimensional data of spectrum map established by the information of the beam,time slot,sub-band,interference,and so on.Data mining method is used to predict the useable spectrum.With the prediction result and user′s quality of service(QoS) requirement,interference avoidance strategy is generated and achieved by the satellite-terrestrial coordinated spectrum resource allocation.The proposed method provides a new idea for avoiding the interference of a satellite mobile communication system,which can improve the interference protection capability of satellite mobile communication systems.
作者 石彬 王娜 杜鹏飞 SHI Bin;WANG Na;DU Pengfei(Unit 92941 of PLA,Huludao 125001,China;Southwest China Institute of Electronic Technology,Chengdu 610036,China)
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2019年第4期415-418,共4页 Telecommunication Engineering
关键词 卫星移动通信系统 干扰规避 多维频谱地图 数据挖掘 satellite mobile communication system interference avoidance multidimensional spectrum map data mining
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