
“北斗”三号B1C信号的硬件实时生成 被引量:2

Real-time Hardware Generation of BDS-3 B1C Signal
摘要 从节省资源、提高实时性以及简化实现复杂度的角度出发,对"北斗"三号B1C信号进行硬件实时生成。首先,介绍了B1C生成相关理论并将B1C信号生成拆分成子模块进行研究和生成;其次,采用统一的系统时钟和精密的相位控制保证了B1C信号数据分量与导频分量及分量内部之间的严格对齐;最后,针对导频分量虚部,给出了一种硬件上可消除虚数运算的生成方式,解决了硬件上虚数信号难以生成这一难题,最终实时生成B1C信号。生成结果表明,理论仿真与硬件生成结果相吻合,验证了该B1C信号硬件生成方式的正确性,且该生成方式简单、灵活,占用资源少,易于工程实现。B1C信号的实时生成不仅可为接收终端基带信号处理提供模块设计参考,同时也可为信号接收处理提供测试用信号。 This paper studies the real-time hardware generation of Beidou Navigation Satellite System( BDS-3 ) B1C signals from the view of saving resources,improving real-time performance and simplifying implementation complexity.Firstly,the theory of generation B1C signal is introduced and the B1C signal is divided into sub-modules for research and generation.Then,the strict alignment between the data components of the B1C signal and the pilot components and each-components is guaranteed by using a uniform system clock and precise phase control.Finally,for the imaginary part of the pilot component,a method is given to solve the problem that the imaginary signal on the hardware is difficult to generate.The theoretical simulation is identifical to the hardware generation,which verifies the correctness of the B1C signal hardware generation method.The generation method is simple and flexible.It takes up less resources and is easy to be implemented.The real-time generation of the B1C signal not only provides a module design reference for the baseband signal processing of the receiving terminal,but also provides a test signal for the signal receiving process.
作者 叶旅洋 何在民 张瀚青 樊战友 YE Lüyang;HE Zaimin;ZHANG Hanqing;FAN Zhanyou(National Time Service Center,Chinese Academy of Science,Xi′an 710600,China;Key Laboratory of Precision Navigation Positioning and Timing Technology,Chinese Academy of Science,Xi′an 710600,China;School of Electronic,Electrical and Telecommunications Engineering,University ofChinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100049,China)
出处 《电讯技术》 北大核心 2019年第4期468-475,共8页 Telecommunication Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11703030) 中国科学院西部青年学者A类项目(XAB2017A05)
关键词 “北斗”三号 B1C信号 实时硬件生成 BDS-3 B1C signal real-time hardware generation
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