
众声喧哗背后:五四女作家的娜拉书写 被引量:1

Behind Public Noise:Nora's Writing by the May 4th Women Writers
摘要 五四时期,娜拉被塑造成新女性的代言人,构成和影响了一代人的行为方式。鲁迅在《娜拉走后怎样》及小说《伤逝》中申说了对"娜拉出路"问题的理解。胡适也借《贞操问题》《李超传》表达了其妇女问题观。社会媒介更是众声喧哗,掀起了关于妇女解放问题的大讨论。与此同时,冰心、庐隐、陈衡哲、冯沅君、凌叔华、石评梅等五四女作家也各自言说着自身困境与复杂心声。而她们在同时代女性作为"娜拉"书写对象的同时,其自身命运与人生选择,与其笔下的"娜拉"也形成了某种同构性。文章通过爬梳五四女作家的文学创作,考察了作为书写对象的"娜拉"们的困境与挣扎、选择与出路。在考察身为"娜拉"主体的女作家时,希图借助个案分析法,探索女作家石评梅作为个人与时代之殇的典型意义,并综合考察同时代男作家及女作家内部对于作为"娜拉"典型的五四女作家的审视与关照,以期探讨五四时期的女作家集体建构的娜拉书写背后的文化心理与文坛生态,希望对早期妇女解放进程中的困境与冲突做出阐释与分析。 During the May 4th Movement, Nora was regarded as the spokesperson of the new women, which helped form and influenced the behavior of the generation.Lu Xun expressed his understanding of Nora’s way out in his novel Sorrow and Death.Hu Shi also expressed his views on women’s issues in his article about chastity issue and the biography of Li Chao.Social media is even more vociferous,causing a great discussion on the issue of women’s liberation.At the same time,Bing Xin,Lu Yin,Chen Hengzhe,Feng Yuanjun,Ling Shuhua,Shi Pingmei and other women writers began to speak out their plight and complex aspirations.They regarded the contemporary women as the object of Nora’s writing,while their own fate and life choice formed a kind of isomorphism with Nora.This paper examines the plight, struggle, choice and way of Nora as the writing object by studying the literary creation of female writers during the May 4th movement.The paper attempts to analyze writer Shi Pingmei using case study and examine male writers and women writers’perspectives and thinkings during the May 4th Movement.It is expected to explore the cultural psychology and literary ecology behind Nora’s writing and explain the difficulties and conflicts in the process of the early women’s liberation .
作者 唐娒嘉 TANG Meijia
机构地区 北京大学中文系
出处 《中华女子学院学报》 2019年第2期68-76,共9页 Journal of China Women's University
关键词 娜拉书写 五四女作家 妇女解放 Nora Writing May 4th female writers women’s liberation
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