
深空探测天文测角测速组合自主导航方法 被引量:5

Novel Autonomous Celestial Integrated Navigation Method Based on Angle Measurement and Velocity Measurement
摘要 自主导航是保障深空探测任务顺利实施的关键技术之一。当前深空自主导航大多通过天文测角信息来实现导航状态的实时估计,无法获得直接速度测量信息。针对深空导航的特点及需求,基于天文恒星光谱测速方法瞬时速度精度高,但位置精度随时间发散的特点,将其与测角导航方法相结合形成组合导航系统,实现深空探测连续自主、实时高精度的导航方案。通过可观测性分析,组合导航的可观测度较传统的测角导航方法提高了一个数量级,可有效提高导航估计收敛速度和抗干扰能力。在系统设计的基础上,搭建了半物理仿真系统,并结合火星探测工程任务背景开展了仿真。仿真结果表明,加入天文光谱测量信息后,有效抑制了量测误差的影响,进一步提高了导航估计精度,增强了导航系统可靠性,为实现深空探测高精度自主导航提供了新的技术途径。 Autonomous navigation is a key technology to ensure the deep space exploration missions carried out smoothly.Astronomical angle measurement is used usually by traditional autonomous celestial navigation.However the spacecraft's velocity can't be resolved directly in the real-time by the angle navigation.To solve this problem,velocity measurement navigation method based on stellar spectra shift is proposed.The autonomous celestial integrated navigation method is derived by combining velocity measurement with angle measurement,which can ensure the long-term high accuracy,real-time and continuous navigation performance for deep space exploration missions.And observable degree of integrated navigation is improved by an order of magnitude,so the convergence speed and anti-interference ability of integrated navigation are enhanced.Then,hardware in-the-loop simulation system of integrated navigation is designed based on the Mars exploration mission.The navigation results show that the influences of measurement errors are restrained effectively.The integrated navigation has higher navigation accuracy,reliability and effectiveness.And a novel technical solution for deep space exploration missions is derived by the method of integrated navigation.
作者 张伟 ZHANG Wei(Shanghai Institute of Satellite Engineering,Shanghai 200240;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Deep Space Exploration Technology,Shanghai 200240)
出处 《飞控与探测》 2018年第1期41-47,共7页 Flight Control & Detection
关键词 组合导航 测速导航 可观测性 半物理仿真 火星探测 integrated navigation velocity measurement based navigation observability analysis hardware in-the-loop simulation Mars exploration
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