
3MW风电齿轮箱的动力学分析 被引量:1

Dynamic Analysis of 3MW Wind Turbine Gearbox
摘要 建立了3MW风电齿轮箱的动力学模型,以齿轮系统的传动误差为激励源,分别求得了由第一级和第二级齿轮啮合传动误差引起的加速度响应,并对其模态柔度进行了分析。通过对系统的共振性能进行详细分析,表明系统的振动峰值是由于第二级齿轮啮合频率和系统的第18阶和第19阶固有频率发生共振引起的。对风电齿轮箱的动力学分析及进一步的优化设计具有一定的参考和帮助。 The dynamic model of 3MW wind turbine gearbox is build,its accelerate response is solved at the excitation of the transmission error of stage one and stage two respectively and then,the modal flexibility is analyzed.Through the analysis of the resonance of the transmission system,it shows that the peak value of the sytem vibration is caused by the resonance occuring at the second gear mesh frequency and the eighteenth and nineteenth nation frequency.The work is helpful to the dynamic analysis and optimization design.
作者 李金库 刘伟 LI Jinku;LIU Wei(NFAIC High Precision Transmission Co.,Ltd.,ZhuZhou 412000,China)
出处 《机械制造与自动化》 2019年第2期60-63,共4页 Machine Building & Automation
关键词 风电齿轮箱 传递误差 动力学分析 共振 wind turbine gearbox transmission error dynamic analysis resonance
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