
去中心化结构中的再中心化重构——媒介融合背景下的IP项目研究 被引量:5

The Reconstruction of Centralization in Structural Decentralization: The Research of IP Project in the Context of Media Convergence
摘要 互联网深刻地改变了人类文化的创造方式、传播路径以及传播效果,将传统上相对独立的传媒和文化产业重新整合,文化传播逐渐呈现出横向扁平化与纵向一体化的趋势。在这种媒介环境下,一些具备强大传播效果的内容,开始呈现出跨越多种媒体、被受众群体主动传播的趋势。传媒经济学将这样一种以版权经济为核心、可以在多种媒体平台上进行分销的内容产品定义为IP项目,即知识产权项目,而将那些主动传播特定内容产品、对特定内容产品进行重复性消费和生产性解读的受众,则定义为"粉丝"群体。文章通过深入挖掘主动受众与IP项目之间的关系,解读内容产品互联网思维的形成原因、传播机制、社会心理及传播效果,并试图发现优质IP项目的核心特征,从实践领域对文化产业发展做出贡献。 As the one of the most important technological innovations of the twentieth century, the Internet has a major impact on human cultural evolution, communication paths and effects. The Internet reorganized the traditionally, relatively independent mass media and culture industry in a fundamental way, making the communication of culture take the forms of horizontally flattening and vertically integration. This reformation has transformed the role of both communicators and the audiences in mass communication: the former no longer plays a dominant role, whereas the later becomes superior gradually. In the environment of media convergence, contents which are more cognitively attractive can be transmitted across all forms of media. Those forms of cultural products are defined as intellectual properties in the research of media economics. The active audience who consume media content repeatedly and interpret them in the form of reproduction are defined as fans. This research seeks to re-examine the interdependence between intellectual properties and active audiences, bearing the aim of looking into the communication styles, social psychological underpins, as well as the media effects of the most acclaimed cultural contents. By doing so, the researcher seeks to explore the optimized strategy of certain intellectual properties, which will benefit the development of cultural industries in China.
作者 滕乐 TENG Yue(Guangming School of Joumalism and Communication, China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing 102249, China)
出处 《编辑之友》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期68-73,共6页 Editorial Friend
基金 中国政法大学校级科学研究青年项目"传播学研究的书写 记忆与表征"(16ZFQ86003)
关键词 文化产业 粉丝经济 IP项目 cultural industry fan economy IP project
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