
当代美国大学教师的身份危机 被引量:2

The Contemporary American University Teacher Identity Crisis and the Pluralistic Construction
摘要 当代美国大学教师经历了政治主导时代的政府干预和规训,在"不忠运动"和联邦学术资助下逐渐屈从于"政治人"身份,后经美国营利性大学持续发展的影响和消费主义的洗礼,逐渐在功利性社会的建构中凸显出"经济人"身份。公众信任危机和学术专业主义使大学教师丧失公共话语权和文化的立法者身份,成为学术技术官僚。随着时代精神的改变,后现代主义思潮、反智主义兴起,学术自由遭到严重威胁,大学教师的"学术人"身份逐渐式微。 Contemporary American university teachers have experienced the government intervention and discipline in the era of political dominance, and gradually succumbed to the status of "political man" under the "disloyalty movement" and federal academic funding. After the influence of the continuous development of for-profit colleges in the United States and the baptism of consumerism, the identity of "economic man" is gradually highlighted in the construction of utilitarian society. The crisis of public trust and academic professionalism has deprived university teachers of their role as legislators of public discourse and culture and made them academic technocrats. With the change of the spirit of the times, postmodernism and anti-intellectualism arose, academic freedom was seriously threatened, and the "academic man" identity of university teachers gradually declined.
作者 王真真 Wang Zhenzhen
出处 《江苏高教》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第4期113-119,共7页 Jiangsu Higher Education
基金 山东社会科学青年学者重点培养计划研究专项"美国大学终身教职研究与启示"(18CQXJ49)
关键词 美国大学教师 身份危机 政治人 经济人 学术人 contemporary American university teachers identity crisis political person economic man academic people
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