
欧洲CLIL教师教育框架与培养模式及其启示 被引量:5

European CLIL Teacher Education Framework and Training Model and Its Enlightenment
摘要 课语整合式教学(CLIL)是上世纪90年代在欧洲兴起的一种新型教学模式,它是用一门外语来讲授一门非语言类学科,学生在学习学科知识的同时可以习得一门外语,这种新颖的学习理念一经提出便受到了欧洲各国政府的推崇和支持。CLIL教师质量的高低从根本上决定了CLIL教育的成败。因此,为了提升CLIL教师质量,欧盟建构了《CLIL教师教育欧洲框架》,各国在实践中探索出了几种CLIL教师培养模式,都取得了一定成效。欧洲CLIL教师的培养经验可以为我国民汉双语教师的培养提供一些借鉴和启示。 Content and Language Integrated Learning(CLIL)is a new learning model that emerged in Europe in the 1990s.It teaches a non-language subject in a foreign language.Students can learn a subject while learning the subject knowledge.In foreign languages,this novel learning concept has been highly praised and supported by European governments.The quality of CLIL teachers fundamentally determines the success or failure of CLIL education.Therefore,in order to improve the quality of CLIL teachers,the EU has constructed the"CLIL Teacher Education European Framework".Countries have explored several CLIL teacher training models in practice and have achieved certain results.The training experience of European CLIL teachers can provide some reference and enlightenment for the cultivation of Chinese national bilingual teachers.
作者 张善鑫 何雪琴 ZHANG Shan-xin;HE Xue-qin(Research Center for the Education Development of Minorities in Northwest China,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China)
出处 《民族高等教育研究》 2019年第2期70-75,共6页 Research on Higher Education of Nationalities
基金 2016年度国家社科基金一般项目"西北民族地区社会稳定的教育治理策略研究"(项目批准号:16BMZ061)阶段性成果
关键词 课语整合式学习 CLIL教师能力 CLIL教师培养 Content and Language Integrated Learning CLIL teacher ability CLIL teacher training
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