
基于马斯洛需求层次理论的绵阳市男男性行为者需求层次调查 被引量:10

The Investigation of Needs of Men Who Have Sex With Men in Mianyang City Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
摘要 目的了解男男性行为者(men who have sex with men,MSM)需求层次,分析不同层次结构的人口学特征、艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染现状的差异。方法以四川省绵阳市辖区MSM为对象,采用滚雪球抽样法招募调查对象,在MSM社区组织办公场所和临时茶园,进行自填式匿名行为学调查及血清学检测。结果合格调查1 172人,需求层次结构:生理需求20.1%、安全需求66.2%、交友需求8.4%、尊重需求2.5%、自我实现需求2.8%。优势需求为生理需求、安全需求、交友需求、尊重需求/自我实现需求者HIV阳性率分别为11.4%、4.5%、7.1%和3.2%,差异有统计学意义(χ~2=15.113,P<0.05)。不同年龄、文化程度、婚姻状况、性取向、社区朋友数、影响最大防治信息来源、HIV感染预期认知评价者其需求层次差异有统计学意义(分别有χ~2=18.905、48.248、16.348、28.241、8.272、81.969、54.376,P<0.05)。结论 MSM处于低级需求层次,安全需求突出,生理需求仍较明显。人口学特征与需求层次相关,优势需求为生理需求者HIV感率染较高。 Objective To understand the hierarchy of needs of men who have sex with men (MSM) and analyze the demographic characteristics and current situations of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection of the MSM with different hierarchies. Methods The paper chose the MSM in Mianyang city, as the subject by using the snowball sampling method. In the MSM community offices or the temporary tea garden, the MSM filled the anonymous behavioral survey questionnaire and received the serological survey. Results A qualified survey of 1 172 people reported a hierarchical structure: 20.1% of physiological needs, 66.2% of security needs, 8.4% of friend needs, 2.5% of respect and esteem needs, and 2.8% of self-actualization needs. The HIV positive rate of those whose advantage needs to physiological needs, security needs, friends needs, respect and esteem/self-actualization needs were 11.4%, 4.5%, 7.1%, 3.2% respectively, the difference was statistically significant (X^= 15.113, P< 0.05). The MSM' s hierarchical needs structure showed statistically significant in different age, educational level, marital status, sexual orientation, the number of community friends, the most affected by the prevention and treatment of information sources, and HIV infection prospective cognitive evaluator (X^2 = 18.905, 48.248, 16.348, 28.241, 5.272, 81.969, 54.376, P<0.05). Conclusion MSM was in the low hierarchy of needs, the security needs were prominent, and the physiological needs were still obvious. The characteristics of demography were related to the needs level, and the physiological needs played a major role in the HIV infection, and the risk of MSM with high physiological needs was higher in HIV infection and transmission.
作者 王毅 李六林 樊静 赵西和 王晓丽 杜婵娟 刘江 杨干金 李伟 贾秀伟 王洪明 任延飞 廖平 WANG Yi;LI Liulin;FAN Jing;ZHAO Xihe;WANG Xiao li;DU chanjuan;LIU Jiang;YANG Ganjing;LI Wei;JIA Xiuwei*;WANG Hongming;REN Yanfei;LIAO Ping(Mianyang Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan Province, China;Yanting Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 621600, Sichuan Province, China;Pingwu Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 622500, Sichuan Province, China;Mianyang Gay Community Organization, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan Province, China;Fucheng Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 621000, Sichuan Province, China;Youxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention , Mian ya ng 621000, Sichuan Province, China;Jiangyou Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 621700, Sichuan Province, China;Santai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 621100, Sichuan Province, China;Anchau Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 622650, Sichuan Province, China;Beichuan Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 622750, Sichuan Province, China;Zitong Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Mianyang 622150, Sichuan Province, China)
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2019年第4期320-324,329,共6页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 社会组织参与艾滋病防治基金项目(项目编号:510701PYD014A22)
关键词 男男性行为者 需求层次 人口学特征 艾滋病 MSM hierarchy of needs demographic characteristic AIDS
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