
施肥和地膜覆盖对黄土高原旱地冬小麦籽粒品质和产量的影响 被引量:10

Effect of different combinations of fertilizer and plastic film mulch on grain quality and yield of winter wheat in dryland areas of the Loess Plateau
摘要 在黄土高原旱作农业区,地膜覆盖的广泛应用有效地解决了水分不足对冬小麦生产的制约,并使单位面积产量大幅度提高。如何调优品质已经成为该区域冬小麦生产中亟待解决的首要问题。本研究以不施任何肥料(T_0)为对照,选择常规化肥(T_1)、等量化肥+地膜覆盖(T_2)、等量化肥+有机肥(T_3)、高量化肥+地膜覆盖(T_4)、高量化肥+有机肥(T_5)5种不同的施肥(有机+无机)和覆盖模式,采用随机区组设计,研究不同"施肥+地膜覆盖"模式对旱地冬小麦籽粒加工品质、产量及其构成要素的影响,并分析产量与品质之间的相关性。结果表明,"施肥+地膜覆盖"组合显著影响小麦籽粒的加工品质和产量。比较对照T_0,不同"施肥+地膜覆盖"模式(T_1~T_5)显著提高籽粒产量(GY)、蛋白质(PC)、湿面筋含量(WA)和沉降值(SDS),增加面团吸水率(WG)、延伸性(EX)和淀粉糊化粘度,相反降低了面团稳定时间(ST)和拉伸阻力(RE)。两年平均产量依次为T_3>T_5>T_4>T_2>T_1>T_0,T_1、T_2、T_3、T_4、T_5比T_0分别增加85.60%、90.99%、118.32%、102.30%和106.65%。增施有机肥(T_3、T_5)对籽粒产量和加工品质的改善优于地膜覆盖(T_2、T_4)。籽粒产量的提高是叶面积(LA)、千粒重(TGW)、穗长(SL)、穗粒数(SGN)协同增加的结果,加工品质的改变部分归因于蛋白质含量的变化。生育期降水量和分布影响谷物产量和品质。本研究结果证实,等量化肥+有机肥(T_3)不仅能达到地膜覆盖的增产效果,而且有利于小麦加工品质的改善,在降水量500 mm左右的黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区是更加持续、稳产、优质的冬小麦栽培模式。 Extensive use of plastic film mulch in dryland farming areas of the Loess Plateau has greatly improved grain yield of winter wheat as the film reduces evaporation losses and ameliorates water deficit. Currently, optimization of wheat quality when using plastic film mulch has become the most important problem in this region. Here, a field experiment with randomized block design was conducted to investigate over two growing seasons, the combined effect of plastic film mulch and fertilizer in different combinations on grain yield and its components, grain quality, and the relationship between grain yield and processing quality. The experiment included 6 treatments: no fertilizer with conventional tillage(T0, CK), a normal application rate of inorganic fertilizer(T1), plastic film mulch+an equal application rate of inorganic fertilizer(T2), manure+an equal dosage of inorganic(T3), plastic film mulch+a high dosage of inorganic fertilizer(T4) and manure+high dosage of inorganic fertilizer(T5). The results indicated that inorganic fertilizer with either plastic film mulch or organic fertilizer significantly increased grain yield, wet gluten content, protein content, sodium dodecyl sulphate sedimentation value, water absorption, extensibility and starch viscosity, while significantly decreasing dough stability time and resistance. Treatment rankings for grain yields were T3>T5>T4>T2>T1>T0. The increases in grain yield, compared to T0, averaged over two years for T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 were respectively 85.60%, 90.99%, 118.32%, 102.30% and 106.65%. The organic fertilizer improved grain yield, protein content and some dough rheological parameters better than plastic film mulch under the same inorganic fertilizer application rate. Increase in grain yield is mainly a result of an increase in leaf area, thousand grain weight, spike length and grain number per spike, while changes in dough rheological properties resulted partly from changed flour protein content. The variability of weather conditions, particularly the amount and distribution of rainfall during the growing season had a significant influence on wheat grain yield and quality parameters. In this experiment in the semi-arid farming area of the Loess Plateau of China with about 500 mm precipitation, optimal application of nitrogen and phosphorus combined with organic manure(T3), not only resulted in the same increase in wheat yield as that achieved with plastic film mulch, but also enhanced wheat processing quality, meaning that inorganic fertilizer with organic manure is a more sustainable and environment-friendly husbandry practice than use of plastic film mulch.
作者 张礼军 鲁清林 白斌 汪恒兴 张文涛 周刚 白玉龙 张耀辉 ZHANG Li-jun;LU Qing-lin;BAI Bin;WANG Heng-xing;ZHANG Wen-tao;ZHOU Gang;BAI Yü-long;ZHANG Yao-hui(Institute of Wheat Research, Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Lanzhou 730070, China;Tianshui Agricultural School, Qingshui 741400, China;Tianshui Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tianshui 741001, China)
出处 《草业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期70-80,共11页 Acta Prataculturae Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31360313 31760352) 甘肃省农业科学院创新专项(2015GAAS11 2014GAAS19) 国家小麦产业技术体系专项(CARS-03)资助
关键词 冬小麦 施肥 覆盖 产量 品质 winter wheat fertilizer mulch yield quality
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