
电子商务交易领域的知识产权侵权责任规则 被引量:48

Intellectual Property Tort Liability Rules in the Field of E-Commerce
摘要 《电子商务法》第41-45条规定了电子商务交易领域的知识产权侵权责任规则,除了第41条规定了电子商务平台经营者保护知识产权的义务之外,第42-45条规定的是电子商务交易领域中的知识产权侵权责任规则,包括"避风港"原则和"红旗"原则。在"避风港"原则中,知识产权权利人对平台内经营者实施的侵权行为享有通知权,一经行使,电子商务平台经营者即发生相应的及时采取必要措施等义务;错误行使通知权的,不仅自己要承担侵权的补偿性赔偿责任或者惩罚性赔偿责任,而且对方即平台内经营者产生反通知权,以对行使通知权的行为予以反制。电子商务平台经营者负有通知知识产权权利人等义务,知识产权权利人享有投诉或者起诉的权利。适用"红旗"原则的要件是电子商务平台经营者知道或者应当知道平台内经营者实施了侵权行为而不采取必要措施,构成共同侵权行为中的帮助行为,应当与平台内经营者共同承担侵权连带责任。 Articles 41-45 of the E-Commerce Law stipulate the rules of intellectual property tort liability in the field of e-commerce transactions. In addition to Article 41,which stipulates the obligations of e-commerce platform operators to protect intellectual property rights,Articles 42-45 stipulate the rules of intellectual property tort liability in the field of e-commerce including the safe harbor principle and the red flag principle. In the safe harbor principle,the owner of an intellectual property has the right to notify the infringements carried out by the operators within the platform. Once exercised,the e-commerce platform operators will have the corresponding obligations to take necessary measures in time. Erroneous notice will result in compensatory liability or punitive damages and the operators have the right to counter-notify and shall exercise that right to counteract the right to notify. The e-commerce platform operators have the right to notify the owner of an intellectual property. The owner of an intellectual property has the right to complain and sue. The requirement for applying the red flag principle is that the operators of the ecommerce platform know or should know that the operators in the platform have implemented the infringement without taking necessary measures which constitute a helping behavior in the joint tort,and shall bear the joint liability for infringement with the operators in the platform.
作者 杨立新 YANG Li-xin(Renmin University of China,Research Center of Civil and Commercial Jurisprudence, Beijing 100872, China)
出处 《现代法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期77-90,共14页 Modern Law Science
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金"统筹推进世界一流大学和一流学科建设专项资金支持‘东亚侵权法示范法研究’"(16XNL001)
关键词 电子商务 知识产权侵权 “避风港”原则 “红旗”原则 反通知 e-commerce intellectual property tort safe hhrbor principle red flag principle counter notification
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