
原发于前列腺的产黏液尿路上皮型腺癌的临床病理分析 被引量:2

Clinicopathologic analysis of primary mucin-producing urothelial-type adenocarcinoma of prostate
摘要 目的探讨原发于前列腺的产黏液尿路上皮型腺癌的临床病理特征、诊断及鉴别诊断。方法对1例极其罕见的原发于前列腺的产黏液尿路上皮型腺癌病例的临床诊治经过、病理组织学及免疫组织化学特征进行观察和总结,并复习国内外相关文献。结果患者77岁,因排尿困难入院, B超提示前列腺增大,前列腺异常回声性质待查;CT及肠镜检查均未发现膀胱及结直肠恶性肿瘤;血清PSA未见升高。在当地医院行前列腺穿刺检查,病理诊断为前列腺黏液腺癌。遂于我院行腹腔镜下前列腺根治手术,镜下表现为黏液腺癌伴多量黏液湖形成,并见尿路上皮的腺性化生及原位腺癌与黏液腺癌的移行过渡;免疫组化示CK7及34βE12弥漫表达,CDX-2及CEA局灶表达,其余CK20、β-catenin、GATA3、PSA、PSAP、AR及P504S均阴性。结论原发于前列腺的产黏液尿路上皮型腺癌十分罕见,其预后差,对内分泌治疗不敏感,准确诊断将有利于指导临床医生选择正确的治疗方法及评估其预后。 Objective To investigate clinicopathological characteristics, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of primary mucin-producing urothelial-type adenocarcinoma of prostate. Methods We reported a rare case of mucin-producing urothelial-type adenocarcinoma of prostate and reviewed relevant literatures to discuss the clinicopathological features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Results In this case, the patient was a 77-year-old male with the history of dysuria. B-ultrasound indicated benign prostatic enlargement and abnormal echogenicity remained to be determined. CT scan and gastrointestinal endoscopy didn t show any evidence of bladder and colorectal tumor. No serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) increased. The patient underwent laparoscopic radical resection of prostate cancer. Microscopically, the tumor presented as mucinous carcinoma, similar to colorectal mucinous carcinoma, but the migration from the normal prostatic urethra was observed and the urethral epithelium at the transitional site was characterized by adenoepithelial metaplasia and adenocarcinoma in situ. Immunohistochemical staining showed neoplastic cells were diffuse and strongly positive for CK7 and 34βE12, focally positive for CDX-2 and CEA and negative for CK20,β-catenin, GATA3, PSA, PSAP, AR and P504S. Conclusion Mucin-producing urothelial-type adenocarcinoma of prostate is an extremely rare tumor. It has a poor prognosis and it is not sensitive to endocrine therapy.
作者 杨静 杨文欣 梁颜笑 李秀博 杜洪 YANG Jing;YANG Wenxin;LIANG Yanxiao;LI Xiubo;DU Hong(Department of Patholoty,Guangzhou First People's Hospital,Guangzhou 510180,China)
出处 《广州医药》 2019年第2期58-62,109,共6页 Guangzhou Medical Journal
关键词 前列腺产黏液尿路上皮型腺癌 诊断 鉴别诊断 免疫组化 Primary mucin-producing urothelial-type adenocarcinoma of prostate Diagnosis Different diagnosis Immunohistochemistry
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