Thenuclear power market of countries along the Belt and Road is featured by complex conditions and fierce competition.Duringnuclear power export,enterprises are faced with project risks caused by political turmoil,policy changes,economic fluctuations and cultural differences in the owner country.The selection of reasonable and effective nuclear power export mode can help the nuclear power export enterpriseseffectively avoid and transfer the risks.The power export mode of the countries along the Belt and Road mainly in-cludes EPC mode,BOT mode and PPP mode.The contractual relationship between the owner and the general contractor is often influenced by their respective risk factors,and different risk factors may cause the enterprise to select different export modes.The main factors influencing the selection of nuclear power export mod-eare political factors,economic factors,legal factors and cultural factors.According to comprehensive evaluation,the overall influence of the political and economic factors of the owner country is more important than the legal and cultural factors.In countries dominated by political factors,enterprises should give priority to the EPC mode.The risks brought about by political factors are relatively low in these countries,but influenced by domestic economic factors,the exporting countries need to provide sufficient and convenient financing services.At this time,selecting EPC mode is more conducive to reducing the overall investment risk of the exporting countries.In countries dominated by economic factors,the high efficiency of BOT mode and PPP mode can be gradually reflected.Through the economic powerful government guidance and effective allocation of free market,the BOT mode and PPP mode can achieve more excess returns for the nuclear power export enterprises.
Gu Youwei(CNNC China Zhongjuan Engineering Corporation, Beijing 100044)[)
Sino-Global Energy
the Beltand Road
nuclear power export mode
project risk
political factor
economic factor