
基于资源依赖理论的地方高校转型发展策略 被引量:7

Strategic Transformation of Local Undergraduate Universities Based on Resource Dependence Theory
摘要 地方高校转型发展是当前我国高等教育改革发展的一个重要时代命题。转型发展既是地方高校适应高等教育内涵发展、质量提升要求的被动选择,也是地方高校差异化发展、特色化竞争的主动谋划。根据资源依赖理论,地方高校在转型发展中势必会面临"资源短缺",即现有的地方高校的资源存量不足、增量有限,资源供给难以有效推动转型目标的实现。而地方高校与地方却存在明显的资源依赖关系,地方高校可以与地方建立稳定的资源依赖关系,通过建立协同发展的"城市+大学"新型校地关系,开创开放办学的大好局面;深化校地产学研合作层次,全面对接地方产业行业企业的需求;立足地方凝练办学特色,实现分类多元特色内涵式发展;持续获得发展所需的资源,推动地方高校转型发展目标的实现。 The transformation development of local undergraduate universities is an important epoch proposition for the reform and development of higher education in China. The transformation development is the passive choice for the local universities to adapt to the higher education connotation development and quality improvement. It is also an active plan for the differential development and characteristic competition of local universities. Based on resource dependence theory, local universities are bound to face u shortage of resourcesM in the transformation development, that is, the existing local undergraduate colleges and universities have insufficient resources and limited increment, and the resources supply is difficult to effectively promote the realization of the transformation goal. However, local universities and colleges have obvious dependence on resources. They can establish a stable resource dependence with local areas, and create a good situation of opening a school through the establishment of a cooperative development city + university new school land relationship;deepen university - level cooperation with local industries, universities and research institutes to fully meet the needs of local industries and enterprises;based on the local characteristics of concise school, achieve the classification of multiple characteristics of connotative development;obtain the resources needed for sustainable development and promote the realization of the goal of the transformation and development of local universities.
作者 曾婧 ZENG Jing(Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430079, China;Wuhan University of Engineering Science, Wuhan 430200,China)
出处 《黑龙江高教研究》 北大核心 2019年第4期28-31,共4页 Heilongjiang Researches on Higher Education
关键词 地方高校 资源短缺 资源依赖 转型发展 校企合作 local undergraduate universities resource shortage resource dependence transformation and development school enterprise cooperation
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