
基于LTCC工艺的7阶L-C高通滤波器的设计与测试 被引量:3

Design and Test of 7 Order L-C High Pass Filter Based on LTCC Process
摘要 基于低温共烧陶瓷(LTCC)工艺设计了集中参数高通滤波器的结构。采用了ADS软件设计滤波器的拓扑结构,然后利用电磁仿真软件HFSS仿真所需电容和电感的集中参数值。通过优化每个部分中的细节,将生成的原理图三维设计成符合LTCC加工方法的模型并进行了仿真测试,获得了符合设计指标的滤波器结构。该滤波器采用7阶L-C模型,截止频率大于2 GHz,2.5GHz-4.0GHz插入损耗小于2 dB,驻波系数小于1.5,DC-1.8GHz内插入损耗大于15 dB。 This paper presents a design method of high-pass filter with lumped parameter based on the low temperature cofired ceramic (LTCC) technology. First, the filter's topology structure is designed by the ADS software;after that, the parameter values of the required capacitance and inductance is also designed using the electromagnetic simulation software HFSS. By adjusting the details of each part, the generated schematic diagram is modeled into a model conformed with LTCC processing method, and simulation tests are carried out to obtain the filter structure accorded with the technical specifications. Finally, the measured results meet the requirements of technical specifications. Using 7 order L-C model, the cut-off frequency is greater than 2GHz;insertion loss of 2.5GHz-4.0GHz is less than 2dB;standing wave coefficient is less than 1.5 and insertion loss of DC-1.8GHz is greater than 15dB.
作者 柯皓文 谢建明 李俊生 Ke Haowen;Xie Jianming;Li Junsheng(School of New Energy and Electronics ,Yancheng Teachers University ,Yancheng , Jiangsu , 224051,China)
出处 《绿色科技》 2019年第6期194-195,199,共3页 Journal of Green Science and Technology
基金 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(编号:18KJD140006)
关键词 高通滤波器 LTCC ADS HFSS high pass filter LTCC ADS HFSS
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