
空间站柔性太阳电池翼模态分析及基频优化 被引量:6

Modal analysis and fundamental frequency optimization for a space station's flexible solar panel
摘要 空间站柔性太阳电池翼机构环节多,展开长度长,具有低频、频率密集、静态变形大等特点。以我国空间站柔性太阳电池翼为对象,建立电池翼有限元模型,通过在张紧机构上施加温度应力实现柔性阵面张紧力模拟,采用线性初值加非线性迭代修正两步法获取满足张力设计要求的温度变化。同时基于非线性静力分析获取的柔性阵面张紧状态刚度矩阵,开展柔性电池翼模态分析,并给出张紧力及伸展机构屈曲载荷与整翼基频的关系。 Space station’s flexible solar panel has characteristics of low frequency, dense frequencies and large static deformation due to its complicated mechanism with many links and longer expansion length. Here, taking our country’s a space station as the study object, and its finite element model was established. The flexible panel surface tension force simulation was realized through exerting thermal stress on the tensioning mechanism. The linear initial value plus nonlinear iterative correction two-step method was used to acquire temperature changes to meet the tension force design requirements. Meanwhile, the flexible panel surface tensioning state stiffness matrix obtained with the nonlinear static analysis was used to perform the modal analysis of the flexible solar panel, and the relationship among tension force, expansion mechanism’s buckling load and overall solar panel’s fundamental frequency was deduced.
作者 臧旭 吴松 郭其威 唐国安 ZANG Xu;WU Song;GUO Qiwei;TANG Guoan(Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433,China;Shanghai Aerospace System Engineering Research Institute,Shanghai 201109,China)
出处 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期246-250,共5页 Journal of Vibration and Shock
基金 国家"高性能计算"重点专项(2016YFB0201604 2016YFB0201600) 上海市科技人才计划(15QB1404600)
关键词 柔性结构 太阳电池翼 模态 有限元分析 flexible structure solar panel modal finite element analysis
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