
锁阳原花青素对葡萄糖/甘氨酸模拟体系糖基化终产物的抑制效果 被引量:4

Inhibition of the formation of glycation end-products by procyanidins from Cynomorium songaricum Rupr. in glucose/glycine model system
摘要 为探究锁阳原花青素对葡萄糖/甘氨酸模拟体系中形成的晚期糖基化终产物(advanced glycation end-product,AGEs)的抑制效果。本实验考察了不同温度,不同反应时间下锁阳原花青素对体系中AGEs抑制的影响,同时探讨了多种金属离子对抑制效果的作用。结果表明:在80℃下加热75 min,锁阳原花青素的质量浓度为1 mg/mL时,对AGEs的抑制效果可达85.73%±1.57%,而100℃下加热30 min时抑制率达到74.01%±1.45%。当加入金属离子(Al^(3+)、Cu^(2+)、Fe^(2+)、Mg^(2+)、Ca^(2+)、Zn^(2+))时,对AGEs的形成既有抑制作用也有促进作用;与仅有锁阳原花青素存在时相比,金属离子在低浓度时减弱了锁阳原花青素对AGEs的抑制作用,高浓度差异显著。此结果可为天然AGEs抑制剂的开发和在食品中应用提供参考价值。 In the present study,the inhibitory effect of Cynomorium procyanidins on the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) was explored in simulated systems consisting of glucose/glycine. Cynomorium procyanidins as antioxidant,was incubated in the simulated systems at different concentrations and temperature levels with or without various metal ions,which was to observe its inhibitory effect.The results showed that the inhibitory effect on AGEs was reach to 85.73%±1.57% at the concentration of 1 mg/mL for 75min at 80 ℃,and 74.01%±1.45% for 30 min at 100 ℃.When metal ions (Al^3+,Cu^2+,Fe^2+,Mg^2+,Ca^2+,Zn^2+) were added to the simulated systems,the inhibition effects of the formation of AGEs was restraining and promoting.The addition of 0.1 and 1.0 mg/L Al^3+ promoted the formation of AGEs at 80 ℃,whereas the addition of 0.1 ,1.0,and 10.0 mg/L Al^3+ suppressed the AGEs formation at 100 ℃.After 1 mg/mL procyanidins was added,the inhibition ratio of the solution containing Al 3+ with the concentration of 10.0 mg/L was the highest inhibition ratio at 80 ℃.The addition of Cu^2+,Fe^2+,Mg^2+ with the concentration of 1.0,promoted the formation of AGEs in the glucose/glycine model system.However,after procyanidins were added,all concentrations of metal ions inhibited the formation of AGEs.The results can provide reference for the development of natural AGEs inhibitors and their application in food industry.
作者 张喜峰 徐莹 尚琪 马银山 陈雨迪 罗光宏 ZHANG Xi-feng;XU Ying;SHANG Qi;MA Yin-shan;CHEN Yu-di;LUO Guang-hong(College of Agriculture and Biotechnology,Hexi University;Key Laboratory of Hexi Corridor Resources Utilization of Gansu Zhangye,Zhangye 734000 ,China;Weinan Supervision Inspection Institute of Product Quality,Weinan 714000 ,China;Key Laboratory of Hexi Corridor Resources Utilization of Gansu,Zhangye, 734000 ,China)
出处 《天然产物研究与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期682-688,722,共8页 Natural Product Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金(31660161) 甘肃省高校协同创新科技团队支持计划(2017C-17)
关键词 锁阳原花青素 葡萄糖/甘氨酸模拟体系 晚期糖基化终产物 Cynomorium procyanidins glucose/glycine model system advanced glycation end products
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