

Witnesses of Tibet Before and After Democratic Reform——Memoirs and Interview Record of the Internship of the Tibetan Language Class of Minzu Institute of China,Class of 1954,in Tibet
摘要 中央民族学院1954级藏语班学生1958—1959年进藏实习,正逢西藏风起云涌、社会急剧动荡之时。他们在胡坦、洛桑多吉老师的带领下,于1958年"五一"前夕抵达拉萨,开始他们的实习生活。不过,由于工作需要,不到半年,他们的实习被打断,此后陆续参加了西藏社会历史调查、平叛及平叛后的俘虏甄别、民主改革等一系列工作。他们几乎人人都是多面手,有的学生就地分配留在了拉萨,见证了西藏这一段跌宕起伏的历史。我们陆续访谈了胡坦、张兰、边振勋和刘仁培等当事人,并根据陆莲蒂的回忆文章及相关研究文章,撰写了这篇《中央民族学院1954级藏语班学生进藏实习回忆与访谈》。 At the time when the Tibetan Language Class of the Minzu University of China, class of 1954, went to Tibet for their internship from 1958 to 1959, Tibet was experiencing a period of great social upheaval. Under the guidance of the two teachers, Hu Tan and Luosang Duoji, they arrived in Lhasa on the eve of the May 1, 1958, and started their internship. At that time, their internship units included Lhasa No. One Primary School, Lhasa No. Two Primary School, Lhasa Middle School, Tibet Local Cadre School, the Tibet Sports Committee, and so on. However, their internship was interrupted less than half a year after their arrival due to work needs. Beginning at that time, they successively participated in a series of work assignments, such as conducting a social and historical investigation of Tibet, identifying prisoners after pacifying the revolt, and assisting democratic reform. Almost everyone was a generalist, and some students were even assigned to stay in Lhasa. It can be said that they witnessed the ups and downs of Tibet s history, and their experiences are worth exploring. Therefore, based on interviews of relevant people, including Hu Tan, Zhang Lan, Bian Zhenxun and Liu Renpei, as well as the reminiscences of Lu Liandi and other relevant research articles, we wrote this article titled A Record of the Internship of the Tibetan Language Class of Minzu University of China, Class of 1954, in Tibet .
作者 张宁 黄维忠 Zhang Ning;Huang Weizhong(Periodical Office of China Tibetology , Beijing 100101 ,China)
出处 《民族学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期19-26,101,共9页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 中国藏学研究中心重大项目"西藏民主改革六十年丛书"阶段性成果
关键词 西藏 民主改革 1954 级藏语班 实习 Tibet democratic reform the Tibetan Language Class class of 1954 intership
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