

The Methodological Significance of “Four Based-ons” to Understand Reform and Opening-up——On General Secretary Xi Jinping's Speech at the Conference Celebrating 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up
摘要 "四个基于"论断对整体认识改革开放实践的全部历程具有方法论的意义。对党和国家前途命运的深刻把握,对社会主义革命和建设实践的深刻总结,对时代潮流的深刻洞察,对人民群众期盼和需要的深刻体悟,揭示了中国为什么要进行改革开放、怎样进行改革开放以及如何将改革开放进行到底的发展逻辑。从方法论意义看,"四个基于"不仅是党中央作出改革开放历史性决策的思想依据,而且是贯穿改革开放全过程的实践遵循,也是新时代将改革开放进行到底的行动指南。改革开放之所以成为决定当代中国命运的关键一招,之所以在向前推进中不断取得成就,之所以还需要进行到底,就是因为这"四个基于"体现着科学方法的指导意义。 The acclamation of “four based-ons” has methodological significance for the comprehension of the entire course of reform and opening-up. Astute mastery of the destiny for the Party and the state, profound review of the socialist revolution and construction, penetrating insight for the tide of times, and keen awareness of people’s expectations and needs reveal the logic of why China should reform and open up, how China reformed and opened up, and how to thoroughly carry forward reforming and opening-up. From the aspect of methodological significance,“four based-ons” provide not only a theoretical basis for the Party Central Committee’s historic decision of reform and opening-up, a practical principle that penetrates the entire course of reform and opening-up, but also a guidebook in the new era for the thorough carrying forward of reform and opening-up. The reason for which reform and opening-up became a vital step that decides the fate of contemporary China, made incessant achievements in the course forward, and continues in need of thorough carrying forward lies exactly in the instructiveness of the scientific methodology embodied in the “four based-ons”.
作者 齐卫平 QI Weiping(Department of Political Science, East China Normal University , Shanghai 200241)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2019年第2期5-11,共7页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 习近平总书记重要讲话 四个基于 改革开放 方法论 General Secretary Xi Jinping's speech four based-ons reform and opening-up methodology








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